The Top Seo Mistakes To Avoid With Ecommerce





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April 14, 2023


UK, Manchester

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The Top Seo Mistakes To Avoid With Ecommerce

As an ecommerce entrepreneur, you know the importance of SEO when it comes to generating online sales. After all, without proper optimization, your website won’t be seen in search engine results and no one will even know that your business exists!

To make sure this doesn’t happen, it is essential to stay up-to-date on the top SEO mistakes to avoid. With my experience as a digital marketer, I’m going to help you gain the power you need over your competitors by giving you insight into these key errors.

Let’s get started!

Not Optimizing Your Website’S Content

It’s absolutely essential to make sure that your ecommerce website is completely optimized for search engine users. If you don’t, you’re going to miss out on a huge chunk of potential customers – and it will be totally heartbreaking.

When it comes to optimizing your site content, there are hundreds upon hundreds of ways to achieve success with SEO. From keyword research and strategic placement within the text, to meta tags and headline optimization; if done correctly, these strategies can bring in an incredibly high amount of organic traffic.

However, so many people get excited about SEO and end up making some pretty major mistakes which cost them dearly. Whether they’re not doing proper research or simply overlooking key elements, these errors can cause their rankings to plummet faster than they ever could have imagined!

The most important thing to remember is that when crafting content for your ecommerce site – quality always trumps quantity. Even if you’ve written five pages worth of content stuffed full of keywords; if those words aren’t relevant or useful then the entire effort was wasted. Always strive for excellence when creating text-based material for any website.

With this in mind, let’s move onto how we should approach optimizing our images…

Not Optimizing Your Website’S Images

I can’t stress enough how important it is to optimize the images on your ecommerce website. If you don’t, then search engines won’t be able to recognise them and they won’t show up in their listings.

This means that potential customers will be less likely to find your products or services online. Plus, images take longer to load if they aren’t optimized properly and this can really impact the user experience of your site.

To get around these issues, there are a few simple steps you should follow when optimizing your images for SEO purposes. First, make sure that all image files have descriptive titles – preferably including relevant keywords – so that search engine spiders can easily identify them.

Secondly, compress any large image sizes before uploading them onto your server and finally; use an appropriately sized thumbnail whenever possible as this will reduce page loading times significantly.

Another key element of optimizing images is using ‘Alt’ text tags. These provide alternative descriptions which allow visually impaired visitors to understand what’s being displayed on screen through audio output devices such as screen readers.

They also act as additional clues for search engine bots so it’s worth taking some time to ensure each tag accurately describes its corresponding image content both concisely and relevantly.

These may seem like small changes but they could make a huge difference to your ecommerce website’s visibility online – not just in terms of SEO rankings but overall customer satisfaction too! Taking into account these few points today puts you one step closer towards achieving long-term success with your business venture going forward.

Moving on from here, let’s look at why failing to use targeted keywords effectively can damage your SEO efforts…

Failing To Use Targeted Keywords

One of the most important aspects of eCommerce SEO success is optimizing your website images. However, it’s also essential to pay attention to targeted keywords if you want a successful SEO strategy. The right keywords are crucial for getting noticed and ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Knowing what words or phrases people use when searching online will help you create content that resonates with them. For example, suppose you sell outdoor furniture on your site. People who type ‘outdoor patio chairs’ into Google will be looking for exactly that product – so having those words on your page could make all the difference when it comes to being found by potential customers.

Once you have identified some relevant terms, try using them throughout your website copy and meta descriptions. Make sure they appear naturally and accurately describe the products and services you offer, as this can boost click-through rates from SERPs.

Additionally, don’t forget about long tail keywords which are more specific, such as ‘plastic Adirondack chairs’ or ‘folding wooden picnic tables’. These tend to get fewer searches but often lead to higher conversion rates since they attract people further along in the buying cycle who know precisely what they’re looking for.

It’s also worth researching how competitive these terms are – i.e., how many other sites may already be targeting them? You’ll likely need a mix of common and less popular terms to ensure maximum visibility without too much competition.

With the right keyword research in place, you give yourself every chance to succeed in organic search rankings and attract meaningful traffic from users who actually care about what you have to offer.

Moving onto ignoring keyword research…

Ignoring Keyword Research

Perplexing ecommerce SEOs is the knowledge of keyword research. It’s a powerful practice that’s proved to produce positive results, yet often neglected by entrepreneurs eager to establish their online stores.

Concentrating on creating content without paying attention to keywords can become an expensive mistake in terms of time and money wasted as well as opportunities missed out on for growing traffic and sales.

Focusing your efforts on keyword research will enable you to better understand search intent and build content that responds precisely to customer needs. Additionally, it provides useful insights into what words or phrases are used when users look for products like yours, so you can identify which ones provide ample opportunity for reaching customers more effectively than others with higher search volumes.

Moreover, discovering the competition around particular keywords allows you to craft more effective strategies that have the potential of increasing rankings and driving more organic traffic from search engines. Knowing this data ahead of time enables businesses owners to make educated decisions about how they should approach their long-term campaigns rather than simply relying on guesswork or trial & error tactics.

Understanding these principles and applying them correctly gives marketers a competitive edge over rivals who ignore or underestimate the importance of conducting thorough keyword research. With successful implementation comes greater visibility in SERPs, leading to increased site visits and ultimately more conversions – all invaluable outcomes worth striving for.

Leveraging such advantages puts companies firmly ahead in today’s digital marketplace while staying one step ahead of the competition.

Not Optimizing Your Site Structure

I’m sure you’ve heard it all before – SEO is a cornerstone of ecommerce success. But if you’re not optimizing your site structure, then it’s like trying to build a house without the foundation. You’ll end up with something that looks nice on the outside but isn’t really structurally sound.

One of the biggest mistakes I see when managing an ecommerce store is failing to set up proper categories and sub-categories for product pages. If visitors can’t find what they need easily, they won’t stick around long enough to make a purchase. It’s important to create clear pathways from homepage all the way down to individual products so customers don’t get lost in a maze of links.

Another mistake many people make is forgetting about internal linking opportunities. Internal link building helps crawlers understand where each page fits into the overall site structure, as well as how each page relates to one another. When done right, this will help boost rankings and increase traffic over time.

Finally, it’s essential that all URLs are properly optimized and canonicalized where necessary. This means making them short, easy to remember and consistent between desktop and mobile versions so search engines know which version should be indexed first. Doing this will also ensure you provide users with the best possible experience when navigating your website.

With that said, prioritizing mobile optimization is key in today’s digital world…

Not Prioritizing Mobile Optimization

As the saying goes, “If it’s not mobile-friendly, it won’t work.” This is especially true when it comes to eCommerce SEO mistakes. Failing to prioritize mobile optimization can cause catastrophic outcomes for an online business:

  1. It hinders your website from appearing in search engines results pages (SERPs).

  2. It reduces the amount of organic traffic and conversions on a website.

  3. It causes customers to have negative experiences with a brand due to slow page loading speeds or other unresolved issues related to usability.

For those serious about succeeding with their eCommerce store, investing time into optimizing for both desktop and mobile versions of the site is essential.

The good news is that there are several ways you can start prioritizing mobile optimization without breaking the bank – such as utilizing Google AdWords testing tools and conducting A/B tests to increase conversion rates while improving UX design elements like CTAs and navigation menus.

By taking these steps, you will be well on your way towards enhancing user experience across all devices while avoiding many potential SEO pitfalls along the way.

Now let’s move onto one of the most important aspects of eCommerce SEO – link building…

Not Utilizing Link Building

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of mobile optimization for ecommerce, let’s move on to another essential SEO tactic: link building.

Link building is a great way to enhance your website’s visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). By linking to other websites with relevant content, you can build relationships with those sites’ owners while boosting your own SEO performance.

This strategy also helps you reach more potential customers as they click through to your site from these external links. Link building isn’t just about getting traffic; it’s important for establishing trust and credibility too.

When users see that an authoritative source has linked back to your page or product, it gives them confidence in what you’re offering and encourages them to explore further. Additionally, when done properly, link building can help boost your domain authority which will ultimately lead to higher rankings in SERP results.

It’s essential however that any link-building activities adhere strictly to Google’s guidelines. Unethical practices such as buying links or using automated programs are not only considered bad practice but can result in penalties from search engines like Google so make sure all efforts remain within their parameters.

Making the most out of this powerful tool requires careful planning and execution – something many businesses overlook when developing their SEO strategies. Without monitoring how well each effort works, there may be little return on investment and even less impact on SERP rankings.

That’s why it’s critical to monitor your site’s performance over time rather than simply relying on intuition alone. Let’s take a look at exactly how we should do this…

Not Monitoring Your Site’S Performance

As the saying goes, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” When it comes to SEO for your ecommerce site, this couldn’t be truer.

Neglecting to monitor and track your website performance is a surefire way to miss out on potential customers and sales. It’s like playing blindfolded chess; there’s no point in making moves if you don’t understand the game or have any idea what pieces are available!

Regularly tracking key metrics such as page views, bounce rate, time spent on page, conversions, etc., will give you an understanding of how visitors interact with your site. This data-driven approach allows you to make informed decisions about content updates and other changes that could help boost rankings and visibility.

Plus, when combined with analytics tools like Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics, monitoring your website performance becomes even easier.

Analyzing your web traffic also helps identify areas where improvements can be made—be they technical issues (such as slow loading times) or content-related ones (like missing meta descriptions). You’ll gain valuable insights into which pages perform well so that you know exactly which strategies work best for driving higher search engine rankings and improving customer engagement.

At the end of the day, monitoring your site’s performance gives you better control over its success. With regular optimization efforts tailored specifically to meet user needs, you can ensure maximum ROI from every marketing effort while staying ahead of competition. Knowing just where things stand sets the stage for taking advantage of local seo opportunities – something that truly savvy ecommerce businesses should not pass up!

Not Taking Advantage Of Local Seo

One of the top SEO mistakes to avoid with ecommerce is not taking advantage of local SEO. Local SEO helps businesses leverage online visibility in their geographic location and can help you maximize your organic search results on Google, Bing, and Yahoo!

If you are an ecommerce store that’s looking to target customers in a specific area, here are some tips for optimizing your website:

  1. Include geographical keywords in all content – such as city or region names – so that when users search those terms, they will find your business right away.

  2. Make sure to create localized landing pages for each market you plan to target; this way, potential customers will be able to find exactly what they’re looking for quickly and easily.

  3. Keep track of customer reviews – these have an impact on how well your webpages rank in organic searches as well.

Local SEO should always be part of your overall strategy if you want to have success with ecommerce. It might take time and effort but it pays off in the end by increasing traffic and sales from local consumers who are specifically searching for goods or services within their vicinity.

With the right approach, you’ll be able to capture more leads and convert them into paying customers. Moving forward, it’s important to pay attention to on-page SEO in order to ensure maximum visibility across all search engines.

Not Paying Attention To On-Page Seo

Without a doubt, one of the biggest mistakes that ecommerce businesses make is not taking advantage of local SEO. This can be particularly damaging in terms of search engine performance and visibility. Fortunately, it’s never too late to start optimizing for local searches! By doing just a few simple things, such as including meta tags with location-specific words and phrases, you’ll soon find your website ranking higher than ever before.

Now let’s move on to another important mistake made by many ecommerce sites – not paying attention to on-page SEO. It may seem like an outdated relic from the past but trust me when I say this: ignoring on-page SEO will cost you dearly in terms of rankings and overall organic traffic!

To ensure success in this area, take time out to optimize each web page individually for keywords and phrases related to your business. From headings and titles to body text and images; there are countless little touches which can help boost your position in Google (not forgetting Bing either!).

If all else fails though, getting back to basics could be the answer you’re looking for. A solid understanding of algorithms is key to achieving long-term success with any form of digital marketing activity; whether it’s social media ads or content creation. Knowing how these complex systems work behind the scenes makes it much easier to stay ahead of the competition – something every single ecommerce store should strive for.

So don’t get left behind – take some time now to brush up on those algorithm fundamentals! From improving site speed and user experience through better coding techniques, right down to ensuring title tags adhere strictly to set standards…there are so many aspects that contribute towards effective online promotion today; but if search engines aren’t taken into account then none of them matter at all!

Investing in good quality research tools will pay dividends in no time; giving you the valuable insight required to maximize returns while minimizing costs along the way.

Not Having A Clear Understanding Of Algorithms

I’m sure many of us feel overwhelmed when it comes to understanding algorithms. We want to understand them and use them correctly, but we often don’t know where to start.

It’s important to take the time to do research on how each algorithm works and what is needed for success in order to ensure that your ecommerce store will rank well in search engine results pages (SERP).

Getting an initial understanding of which algorithms are being used by major search engines such as Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and others can be daunting. The key is not getting stuck here; instead, focus on learning about the update cycles for those algorithms and their respective features so you can stay ahead of any potential ranking changes.

Additionally, familiarize yourself with technical SEO tactics like setting up a robots.txt file or using HTML tags properly – these can all have an impact on SERP rankings for your site.

Once you have a basic understanding of the different algorithms out there, make sure you’re monitoring any updates they go through over time. Search engine optimization (SEO) best practices change every year, so it’s essential that you keep up with trends in order to remain competitive.

You should also regularly review your own website setup and content strategy against industry standards – this way, you’ll be able to identify areas where improvements could be made before they become issues down the line.

By taking the time up front to learn more about search engine algorithms and staying informed on SEO best practices, you’ll be better prepared for long-term success with your ecommerce store. Knowing exactly how these things work gives you a great advantage when trying to boost traffic and convert visitors into customers.

Without this knowledge, it’s easy for mistakes to slip under the radar until it’s too late – making ongoing maintenance even more difficult than necessary! Taking control now allows you create a strong foundation from which future optimizations can blossom without worry or hassle.

From here we turn our attention towards keeping up with seo best practices…

Not Keeping Up With Seo Best Practices

Ah, SEO best practices. What a joy to keep up with! Not only do I love spending hours upon hours of my precious time researching and analyzing the latest trends in search engine optimization, but I’m also a huge fan of diving deep into website code to make sure everything is optimized correctly.

It’s like the most thrilling scavenger hunt ever – except if you don’t find all those little trinkets on your journey, then your ecommerce site will suffer for it. But let’s be real here: who has that kind of time? Especially when there are so many other things to worry about when running an online store, such as product quality, customer service, inventory management…the list goes on and on.

And yet keeping up with SEO best practices is essential if you want your shop to have any chance at succeeding in this cut-throat world of digital commerce. So what can we do? Well, fortunately there are resources available out there that can help make our lives easier when it comes to staying updated on best practice guidelines.

From helpful articles written by industry experts to specialized software programs designed specifically for ecommerce sites – these tools provide us with invaluable information that allows us to quickly get up-to-speed without wasting valuable time or energy trying to figure it out ourselves.

Sure it may feel like a lot of work now but trust me; investing in proper SEO techniques will pay off big in the long run. With increased visibility come more customers which leads directly to improved sales figures – not bad! So take some time today and start learning about how you can optimize your ecommerce store for maximum success – you won’t regret it!

Now onto tracking progress with analytics…

Not Tracking Your Progress With Analytics

I can’t stress enough how important it is to monitor and track your progress with analytics. Not doing so puts you at a major disadvantage when it comes to SEO, as you won’t be able to identify what strategies are working for you or where any potential issues may lie.

You need to have an understanding of who’s visiting your ecommerce site, from which sources they arrived from and the actions they took while on-site. Analytics also help in other areas such as monitoring user experience – this could include how users interact with certain pages, their click paths and bounce rates.

All these metrics provide valuable insights that can then drive changes within the website structure and content, resulting in higher rankings and increased conversions over time.

Another area I recommend keeping tabs on is competitor analysis. It’s essential to know what your competitors are up to – this includes tracking their keywords, backlinks and page speed – all of which will give you greater insight into the effectiveness of their SEO strategy compared to yours.

This way, if there’s something they’re doing better than you are, you can make adjustments accordingly so as not to fall behind! Having complete visibility into both your own performance as well as that of your rivals makes sure no stone remains unturned in terms of optimising every aspect of your ecommerce store.

So don’t hesitate: start tracking today!


It’s easy to make SEO mistakes with ecommerce, but it doesn’t have to be that way!

By avoiding these common pitfalls and following the best practices outlined above, you can maximize your chance of success.

And if done correctly, you’ll see tremendous results in no time at all.

All it takes is a little knowledge and effort, and soon enough you’ll be dominating rankings like an absolute pro!

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