How To Conduct Keyword Research Like A Pro





Blog Date

April 15, 2023


UK, Manchester

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How To Conduct Keyword Research Like A Pro

Hey there, pro! Are you looking to conduct keyword research like a real power player? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s possible.

Keyword research is an essential element of any successful content marketing strategy and with the right approach, you can do it like a total boss.

In this article, I’ll walk through some tips and tricks for conducting keyword research like a true professional so that you can dominate your industry online.

Ready to learn more? Let’s get started!

Understand Your Audience

I’m sure you’ve heard it before: the key to success is understanding your audience. This couldn’t be more true when it comes to keyword research. Knowing who you’re targeting and what they care about helps you create content that resonates with them.

That’s why, if you want to conduct successful keyword research like a pro, start by getting clear on who your target audience is. Start by asking yourself questions such as: Who are my ideal customers? What problems do they have? How can I solve those problems with my products or services?

Once you understand their needs and motivations, you can use this information to identify keywords that appeal to them. You should also think about where your target users hang out online. Are there any forums, social media groups, or blogs that cater specifically to their interests?

Take some time to explore these websites and get an idea of the kind of language people use in these conversations. Doing so will give you insight into how potential customers talk about topics related to your business – which can help inform the words and phrases you choose for your keyword research. Now that you know who your target audience is and where they spend their time online, it’s time to move onto the next step: identifying relevant keywords.

Identify Your Target Keywords

As a marketer, keyword research is one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal. It’s like having X-ray vision – you can see what people are searching for and leverage that insight to gain an edge over the competition. But if done wrong, it can be time consuming and ineffective. So how do you conduct keyword research like a pro?

First things first: identify your target keywords. Start by brainstorming ideas around subjects related to your product or service. Think about topics users may search for when looking for something similar to what you offer. Also consider relevant terms commonly used within the industry.

Put all these words into a spreadsheet and start adding additional columns with data such as monthly searches, difficulty level, and more. This will help you determine which ones have potential value to pursue further down the line.

Once you’ve identified some key phrases to go after, it’s time to get specific by drilling down into long-tail keywords – those three or four word phrases often used in natural language queries. Look for common variations on your main keywords and include synonyms wherever possible. These longer strings may represent smaller search volumes but they tend to be more targeted and provide better opportunities for conversion success if utilized properly in content marketing campaigns later on.

Now that you have a good list of candidate keywords, it’s time to analyze them individually against certain criteria – relevance, popularity (search volume), existing ranking difficulty levels, etc.. Research each phrase thoroughly so that only the best remain at the end of this process; don’t forget competitors’ activity too!

Armed with this knowledge, you’re now ready to move onto researching your competition…

Research Your Competitors

Researching your competitors may seem daunting, but it’s an essential part of keyword research. When you know what they’re doing, you can do better. Here are four ways to get started:

  1. Analyze their content – Take a look at the topics that your competitors are writing about and the keywords they’re using in those posts. This will give you some ideas for new topics to create and phrases to target with your own content marketing efforts.

  2. Check out their backlinks – See which websites link back to your competitor’s website without linking to yours. You might find sites that would be great partners up for collaborations or places where you could also post content related to your business.

  3. Evaluate their design – Look at how organized and user-friendly their site is compared to yours and learn from them if they have something good going on there! Additionally, take a peek at any features they offer that help make search easier – like filtering options or automatic suggestions as customers type in queries into search bars – so you can replicate them on your own page as well.

  4. Monitor their traffic sources – Use tools such as Google Analytics or Alexa Traffic Ranker to see where most of your competitor’s web traffic is coming from and then use this information when creating campaigns on other platforms such as social media or PPC advertising services (like AdWords).

This competitive analysis should provide a baseline for understanding what works for others in the same industry so that you can start improving upon those strategies yourself – making sure that no opportunity goes overlooked!

Moving forward, let’s analyze search volume data to ensure our keyword research results are accurate and effective.

Analyze Search Volume

Now that you’ve done your research on the competition, it’s time to see how much people are actually searching for these keywords. Analyzing search volume will give you a good idea of whether or not you should use certain keywords in your content.

First and foremost, look at the number of searches for each keyword phrase within a specified timeframe. If there is only a small number of searches per month then chances are that this isn’t a great keyword to target. On the other hand, if there is an abnormally high amount of searches then this could be indicative of intense competition among marketers trying to grab a piece of the pie.

Next, assess what kind of user intent lies behind each keyword phrase. People who type in different phrases have different goals in mind and by understanding their intent you’ll be able to create more targeted content and better reach them with your messages. For example, someone typing ‘best running shoes’ has likely already researched some options and is looking for reviews before buying something while someone typing ‘running shoes near me’ wants quick results regarding local stores where they can purchase those shoes right away.

Finally, another aspect to consider when assessing search volume is the trendiness (or seasonality) associated with certain topics. Some products/services like clothing tend to spike during specific times throughout the year so make sure that you factor this into consideration as well – otherwise you might end up missing out on valuable opportunities if all your efforts are focused around non-trendy topics!

With all this in mind let’s move onto analyzing keyword difficulty next…

Analyze Keyword Difficulty

Analyzing keyword difficulty is an essential step in the keyword research process. It can help you determine which keywords to target and how much effort you need to put into ranking for them.

There are several factors that influence keyword difficulty, such as:

  • Search Volume: This tells you how many people are searching for a particular keyword on any given day. The higher the search volume, the more competitive it will be to rank for that keyword.

  • Competition Level: This refers to how difficult it is to outrank your competitors who are already targeting a particular keyword. If there’s lots of competition for a certain keyword, then it might require more time and effort to reach page one of Google rankings.

  • Quality Score: This measures how relevant and useful your content is compared to other sites competing with you for the same keyword. A high quality score indicates that your content contains valuable information and is likely to rank better than less informative pages.

Knowing these three aspects of each keyword will give you an indication of its relative difficulty so that you can decide whether or not it’s worth pursuing.

You should also consider using some tools specifically designed for assessing keyword difficulty, which we’ll look at next…

Use Keyword Research Tools

I recently worked on a project for an online fashion store, and I had to find the best keywords to use in our content. This was no easy task; it required me to be creative and methodical at the same time.

To ensure success, I decided to conduct keyword research like a pro. Using keyword research tools is one of the most important steps when researching relevant terms that people are using in search engines. These tools allow you to identify which words have high search volume, so you can determine what topics you should focus your content on. Additionally, they also help identify related long-tail keywords that may not have such high volumes but still offer great opportunities for driving traffic from organic searches.

Another useful tool is Google Trends. It allows you to compare different phrases or words and see how their popularity has changed over time, giving you insight into potential trends in the market that could affect your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). You can also use this data to inform decisions about which keywords might be more successful down the line as well as those that may already be popular with consumers but aren’t yet showing up in SERPs.

Finally, once you’ve identified some promising terms based off of these two resources, it’s important to take things further by looking at competitor websites and other sources of web data – such as social media platforms – to get an even better understanding of what phrases are being used across industries and channels worldwide.

Utilizing long-tail keywords often overlooked by competitors provides another avenue for getting ahead in rankings without actually competing head-to-head with them directly. With careful analysis and effective implementation of these techniques, my client’s online store achieved all its desired goals!

Transitioning now onto utilizing long-tail keywords….

Utilize Long-Tail Keywords

If you want to get serious about your keyword research, then long-tail keywords are the way to go. These are search terms that have three or more words and offer a much higher degree of specificity than short-tail terms. They tend to be less competitive in nature, which means they’re easier to rank for and can lead to better quality traffic with fewer visitors. Plus, as people become more sophisticated with their searches, they’re increasingly likely to use longer phrases rather than single words. This is why it’s so important to think beyond just basic keywords when doing your research.

When researching these longer keyphrases, consider how specific you need them to be. For example, if you’re selling shoes online and targeting ‘shoes,’ then it may make sense to also target variations like ‘black leather shoes’ or ‘red suede boots.’ But if you delve deeper into niche topics within this market — such as vegan shoes or steel toe workboots — then long-tail keywords can help you hone in on those exact areas of interest.

To find potential long-tail keywords for your website content or ads campaigns, the best thing you can do is look at what your competitors are doing and see which phrases they’re using most often – both on their own websites and across other channels like PPC ads and social media posts.

You should also explore related questions people might ask while searching for products related to yours by utilizing tools such as Google Trends or (a free tool that provides insight into common queries).

Finally, don’t forget to check out auto suggest results from popular search engines; these often contain great ideas for relevant keyphrases that could benefit your business goals!

By taking advantage of the power of long-tail keywords in combination with all the resources available today, you’ll have no problem finding high-quality search terms that will drive targeted users straight to your doorstep.

Now let’s move onto conducting SEO audits – an essential step in any comprehensive keyword strategy…

Conduct Seo Audits

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of long-tail keywords, it’s time to look at how you can conduct an SEO audit. Let’s take a look at what this means and how it affects your keyword research process.

Imagine you own a small business that sells organic produce in California. You want to increase awareness about your products so more people come to your store or visit your website.

To do this, you need to make sure that when potential customers search for “organic produce near me”, they find your business first. This is where conducting an SEO audit comes into play.

An SEO audit involves assessing the current state of your online presence, including using tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to determine which pages are ranking well and which ones aren’t. It also looks at factors such as page speed, mobile optimization, internal linking structure, backlinks, meta tags and titles on each page of your site.

By understanding these elements of SEO, you can identify any areas where improvements can be made to ensure higher rankings and ultimately more visibility for your business.

Once you have completed an SEO audit, the next step is to consider related searches – terms or phrases that may not directly relate to what you currently offer but could still put you front and center in potential customer searches.

For example, if someone types in “farmers markets near me” they might be looking for fresh produce options; by doing some research on those specific terms you could create content around them and potentially attract new visitors who were searching with those terms solely in mind.

Consider Related Searches

When it comes to keyword research, the first step is often looking at related searches. This can be a great way of finding out what people are actually searching for and how their search habits might differ from what you originally thought.

Here are some tips on how to consider related searches like a pro:

  • Brainstorm potential words associated with your topic and use them as the basis for your search queries. Brainstorming helps get creative juices flowing and will give you ideas that may spark new opportunities in terms of keywords.

  • Focus on Long tail phrases – these are keyphrases made up of three or more words which tend to have less competition than one or two word phrases. The benefit here is that they’re easier to rank for since there’s usually fewer webpages competing for those specific phrases.

  • Look into ‘People Also Ask’ sections – These boxes appear at the top of Google’s search results page when you enter certain types of queries, such as questions about products, services or events. It’s important to take note of these because they provide insight into what users want answered and also other keywords that you could target in your content strategy.

  • Analyze Competitor Sites’ Keywords – Analyzing the keywords used by competitors can be an effective way to identify terms that are relevant to your own business and should be included in your keyword research efforts. By looking at what others have done, you may uncover fresh angles or approaches that lead down unexplored paths within your niche.

By using all these techniques together, you’ll soon have plenty of data points that can help shape your keyword research strategy and ensure success moving forward!

Now let’s move onto analyzing the SERPs (search engine result pages) and see if we can pinpoint any additional insights worth considering…

Analyze The Serps

Searching for keywords is like navigating a winding road; the route may be bumpy and unpredictable, but with the right strategies one can easily reach their destination.

To begin this journey of keyword research, consider related searches to get an understanding of what people are looking for when conducting online queries.

It’s time to shift gears and analyze the SERPs – that is, search engine results pages – as they can give insight into which terms will yield the greatest success.

When analyzing SERPs, it’s important to take note not only of the top-ranking websites but also those further down on the page.

Look out for patterns in both the types of content appearing and how often specific words feature.

This information can help you determine whether or not particular phrases or words should be included within your own SEO strategy.

You’ll want to delve deeper than just skimming over titles too; click through each result to see if there are any similarities between them all such as writing style, topics discussed or even formatting choices used.

By studying these elements more closely it will become easier to identify user intent for certain topics or questions that people might have about a product or service, allowing you to adjust your approach accordingly.

The goal here isn’t necessarily finding exact matches from SERP analysis; rather it’s about gathering enough hints to craft better keywords that accurately capture what users could be searching for based on their needs and interests.

Once armed with this knowledge, you’ll be ready to move onto examining competitor data and beyond!

Analyze User Intent

I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but keyword research is essential to success in SEO. That’s why I’m going to teach you how to conduct keyword research like a pro!

In this section, we’re diving into analyzing user intent. What do people actually want when they search for something? To answer that question, you have to think critically and ask yourself what the searcher’s motivation might be.

Are they looking for information or trying to purchase something specific? Maybe they are just browsing without any clear goal. It all depends on the keywords being used, so make sure your research covers different types of queries and terms.

Once you understand their main motivation, start breaking down each query into its component parts and consider which words could be combined with other phrases or modifiers to create even more targeted searches. Then use tools like Google Trends to check out related searches and find potential opportunities you may have missed earlier.

Analyzing user intent isn’t an exact science; it requires some creative thinking and experimentation too! With practice though, you’ll get better at predicting what people really mean by certain phrases – helping you create content that delivers exactly what they were looking for.

Now let’s move onto using negative keywords…

Utilize Negative Keywords

Keyword research is like a treasure hunt; the more effort you put in, the greater the reward. And when it comes to finding those gems of keyword phrases that will boost your SEO rankings and website visibility – negative keywords are key.

Negative keywords enable you to filter out irrelevant search results from appearing in your campaigns, saving you time and money on ineffective strategies. To find them, start by assessing any existing SEM (Search Engine Marketing) data or analytics for terms related to what’s already been searched in relation to your product or service.

Once you have gathered some insights into customer behavior, identify words that don’t fit with your target market and add these as negatives. As well as filtering out inappropriate ads, this practice also helps ensure higher conversion rates since customers won’t be presented with unrelated products or services.

It’s important to keep an eye on how effective your negative keywords are over time so they can be updated accordingly – consider using automation tools such as Google Ads Scripts which help automate tedious tasks like managing negative keyword lists at scale. Additionally, get creative with phrase matching too – if a certain term isn’t getting many clicks but could still lead people away from relevant information use it as a negative keyword instead! This ensures you’ll only see qualified traffic coming through from searches associated with your business objectives.

To take your optimization efforts further, regularly evaluate performance metrics across all campaigns – including organic ones where applicable – to gain deeper insight into user behaviour and enhance success moving forward. With the right mix of positive and negatives, plus ongoing analysis of their impact on conversions, there’s no limit to what you can achieve…

Monitor Keyword Performance

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase ‘you can’t manage what you don’t measure’. The same goes for keyword research. You need a way to track your progress and make informed decisions going forward. That’s why it’s important to monitor your keyword performance.

Here are some ways to do this:

  • Analyzing search engine results pages (SERPs):

  • Track your rank on different keywords over time

  • Keep an eye out for new competitors in SERP rankings

  • See if changes made to content have affected ranking position/traffic from certain keywords

  • Use analytics software:

  • Identify which keywords convert into leads or sales most efficiently

  • Break down data by device, location, etc. for better insights into user behaviour associated with each keyword

  • Monitor website traffic related to organic search queries and find opportunities for improvement

  • Utilize reporting tools like Google Search Console:

  • Check how many clicks specific pages get through organic search results

  • Discover impressions versus click-through rate on various keywords used as well as their respective positions within SERPs

  • Spot any indexing issues that may be affecting visibility of webpages in organic searches

Now that you know all the different methods of monitoring keyword performance, it’s time to start testing them out! Try implementing these strategies one at a time and see how they affect overall SEO success. With enough practice, you’ll become a master at tracking your progress and making adjustments accordingly – giving yourself the power needed for successful keyword research.


It’s time to put your keyword research skills into action! By following the steps outlined above, you can become a pro in no time.

You’ll know exactly which keywords are best for targeting your audience and how to track their performance over time.

You now have all the tools necessary to create an effective keyword strategy that will help boost your SEO rankings and increase leads and conversions.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with it—you never know what great results could come from experimenting with different phrases or words!

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