Zeroing in on Buyer Intent – How to Laser Focus Your Research





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May 27, 2024


UK, Manchester

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Zeroing in on Buyer Intent – How to Laser Focus Your Research

Zeroing in on Buyer Intent – How to Laser Focus Your Research

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, one phrase has been echoing through the corridors of every savvy agency and forward-thinking brand: buyer intent. It’s the holy grail of audience targeting, the key that unlocks the door to more efficient campaigns and better return on investment. And if you’re an SEO agency in Manchester, UK, mastering the art of zeroing in on buyer intent is the difference between standing out in a crowded market and getting lost in the noise.

As LinkedIn has demonstrated, the power of buyer intent data can be transformative. The professional network’s emphasis on precise targeting around buyer intent has catapulted it to over $1 billion in quarterly revenues. The reason is simple: when you can laser-focus your marketing efforts on individuals who are actively in the market for your products or services, you reduce ad waste and generate a significantly higher return on investment.

But zeroing in on buyer intent is easier said than done. It requires a deep understanding of your target audience, a keen eye for market trends, and the ability to navigate the ever-changing landscape of data and analytics. That’s where we come in.

As an SEO agency in Manchester, UK, we’ve made it our mission to master the art of buyer intent research. We’ve delved into the data, analyzed the trends, and developed a foolproof process to help our clients zero in on the right audience at the right time.

Aligning Sales and Marketing: The Key to Unlocking Buyer Intent

One of the biggest challenges we’ve encountered in our journey to harness buyer intent is the disconnect between sales and marketing teams. According to Forrester’s research, a staggering 90% of professionals in these groups say they are misaligned on strategy, process, content, and culture. And this poor alignment has a direct impact on the business and the customer.

But at MCR SEO, we’ve cracked the code. By fostering a “One-Team GTM” approach, we’ve been able to bridge the gap between sales and marketing, creating a cohesive strategy that leverages the power of buyer intent data to drive better results.

The key lies in understanding the buyer’s journey. As Bombora’s research has shown, more than 60% of the buying process is now anonymous, with buyers conducting extensive research before even engaging with a sales representative. By aligning sales and marketing from the very beginning, we can ensure that our clients’ messaging and outreach are consistent and resonant throughout the buyer’s journey.

Harnessing the Power of Intent Data

Of course, aligning sales and marketing is just the first step. The real magic happens when you combine this alignment with the power of intent data.

Bombora’s ABM Intent data has been a game-changer for our clients. By tapping into the comprehensive privacy-compliant Data Cooperative, we’re able to uncover the topics and content that are spiking among our clients’ target accounts. This allows us to laser-focus our research and outreach, ensuring that we’re engaging with the right people at the right time.

But it’s not just about the data itself. It’s about how we use it. At Snowflake, the team was able to incorporate Bombora’s data into their own platform, visualize it through Tableau, and then embed it into Salesforce – the tool where their sales team spends the majority of their time. This seamless integration ensures that our clients’ sales and marketing teams are always on the same page, working together towards a common goal.

Crafting Consistent, Compelling Messaging

With buyer intent data in hand and sales and marketing aligned, the next step is to craft consistent, compelling messaging that resonates with your target audience.

As we’ve learned, the key is to avoid the typical product-centric approach and instead focus on the customer’s needs and pain points. By weaving together insights from both third-party data (like Bombora’s Company Surge) and first-party data (like Visitor Insights), we’re able to create messaging that speaks directly to our clients’ prospects, addressing their specific concerns and demonstrating how our clients’ solutions can solve their problems.

But it’s not just about the messaging itself. It’s also about the delivery. Snowflake’s team has found that by using pre-written and pre-approved copy blurbs and images, they can quickly and easily customize content for different accounts and their spiking intent topics. This approach ensures that the right message is reaching the right people at the right time, creating a powerful, cohesive narrative that resonates throughout the buyer’s journey.

Putting it All Together: The MCR SEO Approach

At MCR SEO, we’ve distilled this process into a comprehensive, results-driven approach that we call “Zeroing in on Buyer Intent.” It’s a methodical, data-driven strategy that combines the power of intent data, sales-marketing alignment, and compelling, consistent messaging to help our clients achieve their marketing goals.

We start by aligning our clients’ sales and marketing teams, ensuring that they’re working together towards a common objective and speaking the same language. From there, we dive deep into Bombora’s intent data, uncovering the topics and content that are resonating with our clients’ target accounts.

Armed with this intelligence, we then craft a tailored messaging strategy that speaks directly to our clients’ prospects, addressing their pain points and demonstrating how our clients’ solutions can solve their problems. And by using pre-approved content templates, we ensure that this messaging is delivered consistently across all touchpoints, creating a powerful, cohesive narrative that drives results.

The proof is in the pudding. Since implementing this approach, our clients have seen a significant uptick in campaign attendance rates, faster movement from opportunity to closed-won, and a marked improvement in their overall return on investment. And as we continue to refine and enhance our process, we’re confident that the power of buyer intent will only continue to grow.

So if you’re an SEO agency in Manchester, UK, looking to take your marketing efforts to the next level, look no further than “Zeroing in on Buyer Intent.” It’s the key to unlocking the full potential of your target audience and driving truly transformative results.

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