Whats in a name? Using branded keywords to drive top-of-funnel traffic





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May 27, 2024


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Whats in a name? Using branded keywords to drive top-of-funnel traffic

What’s in a Name? Using Branded Keywords to Drive Top-of-Funnel Traffic

When it comes to optimizing your digital marketing strategy, few things are as perplexing as the branded vs. non-branded keyword conundrum. As an SEO specialist at an agency in Manchester, UK, I’ve grappled with this dilemma time and time again. Should I focus my efforts on capturing that loyal, high-converting branded search traffic, or should I cast a wider net with non-branded keywords to attract new leads? It’s a classic “quality vs. quantity” quandary that can make your head spin.

Well, my friends, I’m here to tell you that the answer lies in striking the perfect balance between these two powerful keyword types. It’s all about understanding their unique strengths, weaknesses, and how they can work together to elevate your entire digital presence.

Let’s start with the obvious: branded keywords are the bread and butter of any well-oiled marketing machine. These are the terms that include your company or product name, like “Skimmer Drones” or “Sky Skimmer drones.” They’re a direct line to your loyal customer base – the folks who already know and love your brand. And let me tell you, they convert like crazy. In fact, branded queries have a 100% higher conversion rate than their non-branded counterparts.

But here’s the kicker – branded search traffic is a relatively small slice of the pie. According to Forbes, branded queries make up only 10% of all searches, with the remaining 80% being informational and 10% transactional. So while those branded keywords pack a punch when it comes to conversions, you’re missing out on a whole lot of potential traffic and leads if you neglect the non-branded side of the equation.

That’s where the non-branded keywords come in to save the day. These are the terms that relate to your products or services without explicitly mentioning your brand, like “best-engineered drones” or “leading brands of drones.” They cast a wider net, attracting users who may not be familiar with your company yet, but are actively searching for the types of solutions you offer.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – if non-branded keywords have such a higher search volume, why wouldn’t I just focus all my efforts there? Well, my friend, it’s all about finding that perfect harmony. You see, non-branded keywords tend to have more competition, which can drive up your costs and make it harder to stand out. But by incorporating both branded and non-branded terms into your strategy, you can create a dynamic, multi-pronged approach that covers all the bases.

Let me give you a real-world example to illustrate my point. Say you’re the marketing mastermind behind MCR SEO, a top-notch SEO agency in Manchester. Your branded keywords, like “MCR SEO services” or “MCR SEO Manchester,” are going to be your bread and butter. They’re going to attract those ready-to-convert customers who already know and trust your brand. But by also targeting non-branded terms like “best SEO agency in Manchester” or “digital marketing services UK,” you’re opening the door to a whole new pool of potential leads who might not have heard of you yet, but are actively searching for the solutions you provide.

It’s like having a two-pronged attack plan. The branded keywords help you dominate the bottom of the funnel, while the non-branded terms give you a foothold at the top, generating valuable brand awareness and eventually funneling those leads down the pipeline. It’s a classic case of “the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.”

Of course, the tricky part is finding the right balance between the two. You don’t want to neglect your branded campaigns and lose out on those high-converting customers, but you also can’t afford to let your non-branded efforts fall by the wayside. It’s all about constant monitoring, testing, and optimization to find that sweet spot.

One little trick I like to use is to keep my branded and non-branded campaigns separate. That way, I can track their performance individually and make data-driven decisions about where to allocate my budget. I might notice, for example, that my non-branded keywords are generating a ton of impressions but struggling with conversions. That could be a sign that I need to refine my targeting or tweak my ad copy to better align with user intent.

And speaking of user intent, that’s another crucial factor to consider when navigating the branded vs. non-branded landscape. Non-branded keywords can be a powerful tool for targeting prospects at different stages of the sales funnel. Someone searching for “best-engineered drones” is likely in the research phase, while someone searching for “Skimmer Drones” is probably ready to make a purchase. By understanding these intent signals, you can craft tailored messaging and offers to guide users seamlessly through the buyer’s journey.

At the end of the day, the branded vs. non-branded keyword debate isn’t an “either/or” proposition. It’s all about finding the right balance and synergy between the two. Leverage those high-converting branded terms to capture the low-hanging fruit, but don’t neglect the vast untapped potential of non-branded keywords. With a well-rounded, data-driven approach, you can dominate the search engine results page and drive the kind of top-of-funnel traffic that will have your business soaring to new heights.

So, what are you waiting for? Go forth, my fellow digital marketing mavens, and harness the power of branded and non-branded keywords to create a marketing strategy that’s truly out of this world. The sky’s the limit, and with MCR SEO by your side, the possibilities are endless.

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