Turning keyword research into linkable asset gold: Whitepapers, guides, templates and more





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May 27, 2024


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Turning keyword research into linkable asset gold: Whitepapers, guides, templates and more

The SEO Goldmine You’re Sitting On (But Probably Overlooking)

I’ll admit it – I used to be one of those SEO folks who thought keyword research was a chore. Just a necessary evil to figure out what people were searching for so I could sprinkle those words all over a webpage. But then I had this epiphany: keyword research isn’t just about on-page optimization. It’s a goldmine of ideas for creating linkable content assets that can supercharge your SEO.

Let me explain. As an SEO agency in Manchester, we’re constantly scouring the web for ways to help our clients climb the rankings. And one strategy that’s been an absolute game-changer is turning our keyword research into high-value content that other sites want to link to.

I’m talking about things like in-depth whitepapers, comprehensive guides, and even handy templates or tools. The kind of stuff that positions you as an authority in your space and gets other sites buzzing.

Sure, it takes more effort than just cramming keywords into a meta tag. But the payoff is huge. Quality backlinks are like rocket fuel for SEO – and the links you can attract with this approach are pure gold.

So if you’re ready to stop just using keywords and start leveraging them, buckle up. I’m about to show you how to turn your keyword research into a bonafide link-building machine.

The Keyword Research Mindset Shift

Before we dive into the strategies, let’s talk about the mindset shift you need to make. Because for a lot of SEOs, keyword research is all about finding phrases to target on-page. But if you want to use it to create linkable assets, you need to start thinking a little differently.

Instead of just looking for keywords to optimize for, I want you to start seeing them as potential topics for content. Think about the pain points, questions, or interests that these keywords represent. What kind of information are people looking for?

For example, let’s say one of your target keywords is “local SEO Manchester”. Sure, you could just build out a page around that phrase and try to rank it. But what if you went a step further and created an in-depth guide to local SEO for businesses in the Manchester area?

Not only would that give you a chance to rank for the keyword, but it could also position you as an expert on the topic. And that guide? It could become a valuable resource that other local businesses and SEO providers would love to link to.

Brian Dean of Backlinko calls this the “Skyscraper Technique” – creating content that’s so valuable and comprehensive that it becomes irresistible to link to. And it all starts with a shift in how you approach your keyword research.

3 Keyword-Driven Content Types That Attract Links

Okay, now that you’re in the right mindset, let’s dive into some specific content types you can create based on your keyword research. These are the kinds of assets that have the potential to become linkable masterpieces.

1. In-Depth Whitepapers

Whitepapers are like the holy grail of linkable assets. They’re long-form, authoritative pieces that dive deep into a specific topic. And because they’re so valuable and well-researched, other sites love to link to them.

Think about the keywords that represent the biggest pain points or knowledge gaps in your industry. What kinds of questions are people searching for that you could answer in an exhaustive whitepaper?

For example, let’s go back to that “local SEO Manchester” keyword. You could create a 20+ page whitepaper that covers everything a local business needs to know – from optimizing their Google My Business listing to getting featured in local directories.

Not only would that give you a chance to rank for the keyword, but it could also become a go-to resource that other Manchester-area businesses and SEO providers link to time and time again.

Airbnb does a great job of this with their original research and data-driven reports. These become highly linkable assets that other sites can’t resist citing.

2. Comprehensive Guides

Similar to whitepapers, comprehensive guides are another type of content that can attract tons of links. These in-depth resources cover a topic from A to Z, making them invaluable for anyone searching for information on that subject.

Let’s look at another keyword example: “how to do keyword research”. Instead of just creating a basic blog post on the topic, why not go all out and build an epic, 5,000-word guide that walks people through the entire process?

We’re talking step-by-step instructions, real-world examples, expert tips, and more. The kind of guide that becomes the go-to resource on the subject. You can bet other sites in your industry will be eager to link to it.

Backlinko has built an entire empire on creating these kinds of comprehensive guides. And it’s helped them earn thousands of backlinks in the process.

3. Handy Templates and Tools

The third type of linkable asset you can create from your keyword research? Templates, tools, and other resources that make people’s lives easier.

Think about the common tasks, workflows, or challenges that your target audience is searching for solutions to. Can you create a downloadable template, calculator, or interactive tool that helps them get the job done more efficiently?

For example, let’s say one of your keywords is “SEO content template”. Instead of just writing a blog post about it, why not build an actual, fillable template that people can use? You can bet other SEO and content marketers would love to link to that.

Or maybe you’ve got a keyword related to social media management. You could create a custom social media content calendar template that influencers and brands would be eager to share.

The key is to think beyond just informational content and look for ways to deliver real utility. Those types of resources tend to attract backlinks like crazy.

The Step-by-Step Process

Okay, now that you know the types of content to focus on, let’s walk through the step-by-step process for turning your keyword research into linkable assets.

1. Identify Keyword Opportunities

Start by doing a deep dive into your keyword research. Look for terms and phrases that represent significant pain points, knowledge gaps, or areas of high interest in your industry. These are the keywords you’ll want to target.

Digital Olympus has a great guide on using tools like SEMrush to uncover valuable referring domain data – which can help you spot lucrative keyword opportunities.

2. Assess Content Potential

Once you’ve identified some promising keywords, it’s time to assess their content potential. Ask yourself: what kind of content could I create that would be incredibly valuable and link-worthy for this topic?

Would an in-depth whitepaper make sense? A comprehensive guide? Or maybe a handy template or tool? Think about the format that would best serve your target audience’s needs.

3. Map Out Your Content

With your keyword and content format in mind, it’s time to start mapping out the actual piece. For whitepapers and guides, that means creating a detailed outline that covers all the key subtopics and talking points.

For templates and tools, you’ll need to start planning the actual functionality and user experience. What fields or features will it include? How will people be able to use it?

4. Create Compelling Content

Now comes the fun part – actually creating your linkable asset. Whether it’s writing an epic whitepaper or building out an interactive calculator, pour your heart and soul into making it exceptional.

Remember, the goal is to create something so valuable and unique that other sites will be eager to link to it. So don’t hold back – go all-out on the research, storytelling, design, and user experience.

5. Promote, Promote, Promote

Once your masterpiece is complete, it’s time to get the word out. Reach out to influencers, industry publications, and other relevant sites to let them know about your new resource. Offer to guest post or collaborate on complementary content.

The more you can get your linkable asset in front of the right people, the more backlinks you’ll start to see rolling in. And don’t forget to optimize it for search as well, so it can start ranking for those valuable keywords.

Turning Keyword Research into SEO Gold

I know, I know – this whole process sounds like a lot of work. And it is. Creating truly linkable assets takes time, effort, and a serious commitment to quality.

But when you consider the payoff, it’s well worth it. Backlinks are the holy grail of SEO, and the ones you can earn through this approach are pure gold. They’ll supercharge your rankings, drive more high-quality traffic, and elevate your brand as an industry authority.

So if you’re ready to stop just using keywords and start leveraging them, head on over to MCR SEO. Our team of Manchester-based experts can help you uncover those link-worthy content opportunities and bring them to life.

It’s time to turn your keyword research into a bonafide link-building machine. Let’s do this!

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