The Unconventional Local SEO Tactic You’re Overlooking





Blog Date

June 3, 2024


UK, Manchester

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The Unconventional Local SEO Tactic You’re Overlooking

The Secret Sauce of Product-Led SEO

Have you ever heard of Zapier? If you’re in the marketing world, chances are you have. This nifty little tool has taken the industry by storm, allowing businesses to automate workflows and integrate various software platforms with ease. But did you know that Zapier’s approach to SEO has also been making waves?

As the Founder of MCRSEO, an SEO agency in Manchester, UK, I’ve been closely following Zapier’s unconventional SEO strategy. And let me tell you, it’s a game-changer that every local business should be paying attention to.

Uncovering the Power of Product-Led SEO

The concept of “product-led SEO” might sound like a mouthful, but it’s a tactic that’s proven to be incredibly effective. The idea is simple: instead of solely focusing on traditional SEO tactics like keyword optimization and link building, you leverage the power of your product or service to drive organic traffic and visibility.

As Bernard Huang, the Founder of Clearscope, pointed out, Zapier has been a prime example of this approach. By capitalizing on queries related to [PRODUCT x PRODUCT integration], they’ve managed to position themselves as the go-to solution for businesses looking to automate their workflows.

But it’s not just Zapier that’s making waves with this approach. As Moz’s experts have noted, there’s a growing trend of companies embracing “programmatic / product-led SEO” as a powerful way to drive organic traffic and visibility.

Unlocking the Local SEO Potential

Now, you might be wondering, “But how does this apply to my local business?” The truth is, product-led SEO can be just as effective for local companies as it is for larger, global brands.

Think about it – what are your customers searching for when they’re looking for a product or service like yours? Are they simply typing in generic keywords, or are they looking for specific solutions to their problems?

By aligning your SEO strategy with your product or service offerings, you can position your business as the go-to solution for those targeted queries. This not only helps you rank higher in search results but also ensures that you’re attracting the right kind of customers – the ones who are actively searching for what you have to offer.

Uncovering Evergreen Opportunities

Another key aspect of product-led SEO that’s particularly relevant for local businesses is the ability to target evergreen keywords. As Khaleela Jones pointed out, there are some industries where the demand for certain products or services is relatively consistent over time.

For example, let’s say you run a plumbing business in Manchester. Instead of solely focusing on broad keywords like “plumber near me,” you could target more specific queries related to the services you offer, such as “emergency plumber in Manchester” or “drain cleaning services in Manchester.” These types of evergreen keywords are less prone to fluctuations in search volume, which can provide a steadier stream of organic traffic to your website.

Implementing Unconventional Local SEO Tactics

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “This all sounds great, but how do I actually put it into practice?” Well, my friends, that’s where the real magic happens.

As the experts at Pneuma LLC have highlighted, there are some truly unconventional local SEO tactics that can help you stand out from the crowd. From leveraging local influencers to optimizing your GMB listing in creative ways, the possibilities are endless.

But the key is to think beyond the traditional SEO playbook and really get to know your customers. What are their pain points? What solutions are they actively searching for? By aligning your SEO strategy with your product or service offerings, you can unlock a whole new world of opportunities for your local business.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to dive into the world of product-led SEO and start dominating the local search landscape. Trust me, your customers will thank you for it.

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