The Forgotten Importance of Long Tail Keywords





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June 6, 2024


UK, Manchester

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The Forgotten Importance of Long Tail Keywords

The Surprising Secrets of Search Volume and Competition

Have you ever wondered why some websites seem to dominate the search results, while others struggle to gain any traction? The answer, my friend, lies in the often-overlooked world of long tail keywords.

You see, the traditional approach to SEO has always been focused on targeting those high-volume, highly competitive keywords. The ones that everyone and their mother is trying to rank for. But in the process, we’ve forgotten about the hidden gems lurking in the long tail of the search curve.

Let me paint you a picture. Imagine a distribution curve, with search volume on the y-axis and competition on the x-axis. At the far left, you’ve got those head terms – the big, juicy keywords that everyone wants a piece of. But as you move to the right, the curve starts to flatten out, revealing a long, winding tail of less competitive, lower-volume keywords.

According to Spencer Haws of Niche Pursuits, the entire theory of building and profiting from niche websites is based on this long tail phenomenon. And he’s not the only one who’s singing the praises of these unsung heroes of the search world.

The Rise of the Long Tail Keyword

As the team at SEMrush explains, long tail keywords are those search queries that are more specific and often have lower search volumes. They might be something like “best organic dog food for medium-sized pups” instead of the more generic “dog food.”

The beauty of these long tail keywords is that they tend to be less competitive, which means it’s easier for your website to rank for them. And while the individual search volumes may be lower, the cumulative effect of targeting a whole slew of these niche keywords can actually drive more traffic to your site than trying to compete for those high-volume head terms.

As the folks at AiContentfy point out, long tail keywords also tend to have a higher conversion rate. That’s because the people searching for these more specific terms are usually further down the buying funnel and are more likely to take action on your website.

The Long Tail Approach to SEO

So, how do you capitalize on the power of long tail keywords? Well, it starts with a shift in mindset. Instead of focusing all your efforts on ranking for those big, competitive terms, you need to embrace a more targeted, niche-focused strategy.

As the Nielsen Norman Group explains, this means conducting thorough keyword research to identify those long tail opportunities, and then creating content that’s specifically tailored to those search queries. It might mean writing a detailed, step-by-step guide on “how to train a puppy to stop chewing on furniture,” or a comprehensive comparison of “the best dog beds for joint support.”

The key is to think like your target audience and anticipate the specific questions and pain points they’re trying to solve. By creating content that directly addresses those needs, you’ll not only rank better for those long tail keywords, but you’ll also build a more engaged and loyal following.

The Power of Compounding Results

But the real magic happens when you start stacking all those long tail wins on top of each other. As an SEO agency in Manchester, UK, I’ve seen firsthand how this approach can transform a website’s traffic and lead generation.

It’s like compound interest – each new piece of long tail-focused content acts as a small snowball, steadily accumulating momentum and traffic over time. Before you know it, you’ve got an avalanche of referrals, conversions, and happy customers.

So, the next time you’re tempted to chase after those big, shiny head terms, take a step back and consider the forgotten power of long tail keywords. It might just be the secret sauce you need to take your website to new heights.

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