Should Humans Worry About AI-Written Content?





Blog Date

June 6, 2024


UK, Manchester

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Should Humans Worry About AI-Written Content?

The Looming AI Takeover: A Writer’s Perspective

As a writer, I’ve been keeping a close eye on the rapid advancements in AI technology, particularly when it comes to the realm of content creation. The recent explosion of AI-powered writing tools like ChatGPT and Stable Diffusion has left me, and many of my fellow wordsmiths, feeling a bit uneasy. After all, if anyone can simply plug in a prompt and have a full-fledged book drafted in a matter of minutes, what does that mean for us flesh-and-blood authors?

The discussions on Reddit’s r/ProgressionFantasy have only heightened my concerns. The idea of a “book-writing bot” that can churn out stories tailored to readers’ specific preferences is both fascinating and, quite frankly, terrifying. As one Redditor pointed out, “if a person loves a specific type of story with a specific type of character and a specific type of XYZ, wouldn’t they enjoy just creating their very-specific, tailored books to read rather than hoping a certain real person (or bird) wrote a book that meets some of those criteria?”

The Rise of the Machines: Assessing the Threat

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “AI-generated content can’t be that good, right? The stories will be shallow, the prose will be lacking, and real authors will always have the edge.” And you know, I used to think the same thing. But the more I delve into the capabilities of these AI systems, the more I realize that this might be a bit of a naive perspective.

As Clark Boyd of LinkedIn points out, “the idea that AI won’t learn exponentially and start to crank out prose matching pretty much any style is a little short-sighted.” These systems are advancing at an astounding rate, and it’s not inconceivable that they’ll soon be able to generate content that is virtually indistinguishable from that of a human writer.

The Bottomless Pit of AI-Generated Books

And let’s not forget the sheer volume of content that these AI tools are capable of producing. As one Medium article points out, “if anyone can put a prompt into this tool and have a 100k-word book drafted with cover art and then exported to Kindle, all in just a few minutes, how will anyone find quality books?”

The prospect of a “glut of cheap, AI-created books” burying the hard work of us human writers is a daunting one. Imagine a Kindle store flooded with millions of AI-generated stories, all vying for the attention of readers. How will we, as authors, ever hope to stand out in that sea of machine-made content?

The Impact on Creativity and Profitability

And let’s not forget the potential impact on the very act of writing itself. As the folks on the r/Professors subreddit have discussed, the widespread use of AI-powered writing tools could fundamentally change the way we approach the creative process. If anyone can simply input a few keywords and have a book drafted for them, will there even be a need for the traditional, painstaking craft of writing?

Moreover, the potential flood of AI-generated content could have significant ramifications for the profitability of writing as a career. If the market becomes oversaturated with cheap, AI-produced books, will there even be room for us human authors to make a living? It’s a sobering thought, one that keeps me up at night, tossing and turning as I ponder the future of my beloved craft.

Finding a Way Forward

Now, I know I’ve painted a rather bleak picture here, and you might be wondering if there’s any hope for us writers in the face of this AI onslaught. Well, my friends, I believe there is. But it’s going to take some creativity, resilience, and a willingness to adapt.

Perhaps the key lies in embracing the technology, rather than shunning it. Maybe we can find ways to use AI tools to enhance our own writing processes, rather than being replaced by them. Or maybe we need to focus on cultivating a deeper connection with our readers, tapping into the very essence of what makes the human experience so rich and meaningful.

After all, at the end of the day, we are the ones who truly understand the human heart and soul. And that, my friends, is something that no AI can ever truly replicate.

So, should humans worry about AI-written content? Absolutely. But we shouldn’t let that worry paralyze us. Instead, let’s use it as fuel to ignite our creative passions, to push the boundaries of what’s possible, and to prove that the written word, when crafted with care and authenticity, will always hold a special place in the hearts of readers.

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