Shaking Up Old School Keyword Cannibalization Assumptions





Blog Date

June 6, 2024


UK, Manchester

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Shaking Up Old School Keyword Cannibalization Assumptions

Busting Myths About Product Roadmaps

Hey there! I’m excited to dive into the world of product roadmaps and unpack some common myths surrounding this valuable asset. As someone who’s spent countless hours poring over fintech roadmaps, I’ve come to appreciate the nuances and challenges that come with crafting an effective one.

Let’s start with the basics. A product roadmap is essentially a detailed plan that guides the progress towards a specific goal or set of goals. It’s a map that helps organizations navigate the complex terrain of product development, strategic planning, and resource allocation. But as with any map, there are myths and misconceptions that can lead us astray if we’re not careful.

The Linear Roadmap Fallacy

One of the most pervasive myths is the idea that a roadmap must be a linear, predictable path. The belief that a roadmap should be a straight line from point A to point B is a relic of the old school approach to product management. In reality, the most effective roadmaps are dynamic, flexible, and responsive to the ever-changing landscape of the market and customer needs.

Earlier this year, I had a lightning bolt moment while stuck in the back of a cab in the bustling streets of India. As the driver weaved through the chaotic traffic, narrowly avoiding mopeds and tuk-tuks, I realized that the chaos on the roads was actually a form of order. The driver’s ability to adapt and navigate the dynamic environment was far more efficient than adhering to a rigid set of rules.

MCR SEO, the agency I’m writing for, has embraced this dynamic approach to roadmapping. They understand that the traditional linear roadmap is like a well-marked highway, but the real world is more akin to the roads of India – unpredictable, constantly changing, and requiring agility and responsiveness.

The Myth of the Comprehensive Roadmap

Another common misconception is that a roadmap must be a comprehensive, all-encompassing document that lays out every single feature, milestone, and release date. While a certain level of detail is important, the most effective roadmaps strike a balance between high-level strategic goals and the flexibility to adapt to changing circumstances.

Think of it like a Goldilocks principle – not too little, not too much, but just right. A “Realistic” or “Honest” roadmap, as I like to call it, provides enough information to give stakeholders a clear understanding of the big picture, without drowning them in minutiae that can quickly become obsolete.

The Roadmap as a Commitment

One of the most pervasive myths in the product world is the idea that a roadmap is a binding commitment. This couldn’t be further from the truth. A roadmap is a living, breathing document that should be constantly reviewed, revised, and refined as new information becomes available.

Imagine a roadmap as the script for a movie – it’s a guiding framework, but the actual production can (and often does) deviate from the original plan. The same is true for product development. Unforeseen challenges, new opportunities, and changing customer needs can all necessitate adjustments to the roadmap.

The Myth of Keyword Cannibalization

Now, let’s talk about the topic at hand – keyword cannibalization. This is another area where old school assumptions can lead us astray. The traditional view of keyword cannibalization is that it’s a bad thing, something to be avoided at all costs. But the reality is much more nuanced.

In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, where market cannibalization is a constant concern, a certain degree of keyword cannibalization can actually be a good thing. It’s a sign that your content is engaging, relevant, and meeting the needs of your audience.

At MCR SEO, we’ve seen firsthand how a dynamic, responsive approach to keyword strategy can lead to better overall performance. By embracing keyword cannibalization, we’ve been able to create a more cohesive, user-centric content experience that resonates with our audience.

Examples of Exceptional Fintech Roadmaps

Now that we’ve busted some of the myths surrounding product roadmaps, let’s take a look at a few examples of fintech companies that are doing it right.

Jas Shah, the co-founder of Unit, a Banking-as-a-Service platform, has been vocal about the importance of a transparent and accessible roadmap. In the midst of the recent discussion around Unit’s business model, a public roadmap could have provided valuable guidance and clarity for stakeholders.

Another fintech company that’s got its roadmap game on point is Olo, a leading digital ordering and delivery platform for the restaurant industry. Olo’s roadmap is a masterclass in balancing high-level strategic goals with just the right amount of detail, allowing their customers to stay informed and engaged.

As you can see, the world of product roadmaps is a complex and ever-evolving landscape, filled with both challenges and opportunities. By embracing a dynamic, flexible approach and busting the myths that hold us back, we can create roadmaps that truly empower our organizations to achieve their goals.

So, the next time you’re staring at a linear roadmap, remember the chaos of the Indian traffic and ask yourself: “Is this really the best way to get where I need to go?” With a little creativity and a willingness to challenge the status quo, you might just find a more efficient path forward.

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