Removing the blinders: How competitor analysis expands your keyword research





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May 27, 2024


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Removing the blinders: How competitor analysis expands your keyword research

Uncovering the hidden gems in your industry

As an SEO expert, I’ve seen it all – from businesses who hit the jackpot with a single keyword to those who struggle to get even a trickle of traffic. And you know what’s the biggest difference between the two? Yep, you guessed it – competitor analysis.

Now, I get it. Staring at spreadsheets and scouring the web for your competitors’ secrets doesn’t exactly scream “fun time.” But trust me, my fellow SEO enthusiasts, the juice is worth the squeeze. Because when you dig deep into what your competitors are up to, you uncover a goldmine of keyword opportunities that can transform your traffic and lead generation.

Ditch the blinders and see the full picture

It’s all too easy to get blinded by the obvious keywords – you know, the ones that everyone and their grandma is bidding on. But the truth is, those high-volume, super competitive terms are often a sinkhole for your ad spend. Sure, you might get a few clicks, but the chances of those visitors actually converting are about as slim as me winning a hot dog eating contest.

That’s where competitor analysis comes in to save the day. When you take a deep dive into what your competitors are targeting, you start to see the bigger picture. Maybe they’re killing it on long-tail keywords that you’ve never even considered. Or perhaps they’ve uncovered a whole niche of search queries that you had no idea existed.

As an expert SEO with tons of experience, I can tell you that smaller publishers often struggle to rank above popular brands, even with top-notch content. But when you look at what your competitors are doing, you start to realize that there are plenty of “hidden gems” out there – keywords that may not have massive search volume, but could be goldmines in terms of qualified traffic and conversions.

Spy on the competition and unlock new opportunities

So, how do you go about conducting this competitor analysis wizardry? Well, my friend, it all starts with a good old-fashioned reconnaissance mission. You need to keep a close eye on what your competitors are up to – the keywords they’re targeting, the ads they’re running, the content they’re producing, the backlinks they’re earning, and everything in between.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But I don’t have time to stalk my competitors 24/7!” And you’d be right. That’s where tools like Google AdWords Keyword Planner, SpyFu, and iSpionage come in handy. These bad boys can help you quickly identify the keywords your competitors are targeting, the ads they’re running, and even the landing pages they’re using.

Armed with this intelligence, you can start to uncover a whole new world of keyword opportunities that your competitors might have overlooked. Maybe there’s a specific industry niche that you can dominate. Or perhaps there’s a long-tail keyword variation that no one’s targeting yet. The possibilities are endless, my friends!

The power of the long tail

Speaking of long-tail keywords, let’s take a moment to appreciate their sheer awesomeness. While those high-volume, super competitive terms might be tempting, they’re often a bit like chasing a mirage in the desert – you think you’re getting somewhere, but you end up just as thirsty (and broke) as when you started.

On the other hand, long-tail keywords might not have the same kind of search volume, but they tend to be much more targeted and, dare I say, profitable. I’ve seen clients lose 90% of their traffic and 98% of their revenue due to bad updates – all because they were too focused on the wrong keywords.

But when you dig into your competitors’ keyword strategies, you start to see the beauty of the long tail. Maybe they’re absolutely crushing it on a keyword like “custom enterprise widget supplier” – something that would never have crossed your mind, but is clearly driving a ton of qualified leads for their business.

The moral of the story? Don’t be afraid to get a little quirky with your keyword research. The more specific and targeted you can be, the better your chances of attracting the right kind of traffic and converting those visitors into loyal customers.

Putting it all together

Alright, so we’ve covered the importance of competitor analysis, the power of long-tail keywords, and how to use various tools to uncover hidden gem opportunities. But how do you actually put all of this into practice?

Well, my friends, it all starts with a good old-fashioned keyword brainstorming session. Grab a pen, a piece of paper (or, you know, a digital equivalent), and start jotting down every possible keyword variation you can think of – both the obvious ones and the more obscure, long-tail options.

Then, fire up those competitor analysis tools and start digging. See what keywords your competitors are targeting, what ads they’re running, and what landing pages they’re using. Cross-reference this with your own keyword list, and start to identify the hidden gems that your competitors might have overlooked.

But don’t stop there! Once you’ve identified those juicy long-tail keywords, it’s time to put them to work. Create targeted landing pages, craft compelling ad copy, and watch as your traffic and conversions start to soar.

And remember, this is just the beginning. SEO is an ever-evolving landscape, and your keyword research should be an ongoing process. Keep a close eye on your competitors, stay on top of industry trends, and never stop exploring new opportunities. Because the more you can see beyond those blinders, the more success you’ll find in the world of search.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to unleash the power of competitor analysis and take your keyword research to new heights!

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