Rank with Zero Backlinks – Here’s How





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June 2, 2024


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Rank with Zero Backlinks – Here’s How

Rank with Zero Backlinks – Here’s How

Backlinks. The bane of every SEO’s existence. Or are they?

You know the drill – you pour your heart and soul into creating epic content, only to see it languish in the depths of search results because you don’t have the “authority” that comes with high-quality backlinks. It’s enough to make you want to throw in the towel and become a sandwich artist.

But what if I told you that it’s possible to rank without relying on backlinks? Yep, you heard that right. No begging, no outreach, no soul-crushing rejections. Just good old-fashioned content that speaks for itself.

Intrigued? Good, because that’s exactly what I’m going to show you in this article. We’re going to dive deep into the data, debunk some myths, and uncover the secrets to ranking with zero backlinks. So, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s get started!

The Backlink Myth

Let’s start by addressing the elephant in the room – the notion that backlinks are the be-all and end-all of SEO. I mean, we’ve all heard the constant refrain, “You can’t rank without backlinks!” Haven’t we?

Well, as it turns out, that’s not entirely true. Sure, backlinks are an important ranking factor, but they’re not the only thing that matters. In fact, our recent analysis of 11.8 million Google search results revealed some surprising findings.

According to the data, a staggering 94% of all pages have zero backlinks. That’s right, nearly every single page on the internet has managed to get to the first page of Google without the supposed “holy grail” of SEO.

So, if backlinks aren’t the only way to rank, what else can you do? Well, my friends, let me introduce you to the power of content.

The Content Advantage

While backlinks may be important, our research also found that the quality and comprehensiveness of your content can have a significant impact on your rankings. In fact, we discovered that long-form content (3,000+ words) gets an average of 77.2% more referring domain links than shorter content.

But it’s not just about length – it’s about depth. Our analysis showed a clear correlation between “Content Grade” (a measure of how thoroughly a topic is covered) and Google rankings. In fact, increasing your Content Grade by just one point can translate to a one-position increase in the search results.

So, what does this mean for you? It means that if you want to rank without backlinks, you need to focus on creating truly comprehensive, in-depth content that covers your topic from every angle. No more half-baked, surface-level articles – we’re talking about the kind of content that leaves your readers saying, “Wow, I didn’t know that!”

Optimizing for Search Intent

Of course, it’s not enough to just write long, detailed content. You also need to make sure that it aligns with what your audience is actually searching for. This is where understanding “search intent” comes into play.

As the team at Centori explains, “The better you can understand the question behind the search, the more your content will align with what your audience is looking for.” In other words, you need to put yourself in the shoes of your potential customers and figure out what they’re really hoping to find when they type a query into Google.

Are they looking for a step-by-step guide? A product recommendation? Or maybe they just want to learn more about a particular topic? Whatever it is, your content needs to deliver on that intent, providing value and satisfying their search.

Leveraging Authority Through Content Hubs

But wait, there’s more! One of the key findings from our research was the importance of building “content hubs” – strategic clusters of related content that link to each other and demonstrate your authority on a particular topic.

As the Centori team explains, “Google crawls websites by tracing pages that are linked together, so when you have related pages all linking to each other and addressing the same topic from different angles or funnel stages, this sends a strong signal to Google that you are an authority on that topic.”

In other words, by creating a web of interconnected content, you can build up your site’s overall authority – without relying on backlinks. It’s a savvy way to leverage the internal linking structure of your website to boost your rankings.

The Power of Internal Links

Speaking of internal links, did you know that they can also be a powerful tool for ranking without backlinks? That’s right, the links within your own website can help you give certain pages a boost in the search results.

As Brian Dean of Backlinko explains, “If you have pages that are performing well on Google, you can use those to lend some authority to another page by linking to it. Thatâs right, an internal link can provide some of the same benefits a backlink would by passing authority to another page to give it a rankings boost.”

So, instead of just sprinkling links throughout your content willy-nilly, be strategic about it. Identify your top-performing pages and use them to amplify the visibility of your other, less-established content. It’s a nifty little trick that can pay big dividends.

Putting it All Together

Okay, so we’ve covered a lot of ground here. Let’s quickly recap the key strategies for ranking without backlinks:

  1. Focus on creating comprehensive, in-depth content that covers your topic thoroughly.
  2. Optimize your content for search intent, making sure it aligns with what your audience is looking for.
  3. Build content hubs by linking related pages together, demonstrating your authority on a subject.
  4. Leverage internal links to pass authority from your top-performing pages to the ones you want to boost.

Sounds like a lot of work, right? Well, it is. But the payoff can be huge. Just ask the team at MCR SEO, a leading SEO agency in Manchester, UK. They’ve helped countless clients rank without relying on backlinks, and the results speak for themselves.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to ditch the backlink-begging and start creating content that commands attention. Who knows, you might just be the next SEO success story.

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