Keyword Competitor Analysis: Stealing Share from Rivals in Manchester





Blog Date

May 27, 2024


UK, Manchester

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Keyword Competitor Analysis: Stealing Share from Rivals in Manchester

The Secrets of Manchester’s SEO Giants Unveiled

Let me tell you a story, my friend. Imagine you own a delightful pizza shop in the bustling heart of Manchester, UK. Your mouthwatering pies are the talk of the town, and you’re eager to draw in new customers daily. What’s your game plan?

Would you plaster the local newspaper with buy-one-get-one-free coupons? Register on Uber Eats? Set up a shiny Google Business Profile? Or blow your budget on flashy social media ads?

All solid strategies, no doubt. But what’s the long-term play here? Those deep pockets will only last so long, and once the ad campaigns dry up, your sales could take a nosedive.

Here’s the kicker – did you know that 60% of online sessions start with a simple search?1 And get this – 98% of people learn about local businesses through the internet.2

So, how do you ensure your beloved pizza joint’s name shines like a beacon when hungry Mancunians search “restaurants near me”? The answer is simple – you dive headfirst into the world of local SEO.

Dominate the Manchester SEO Scene with These Killer Tools

Now, I’ll be honest – I’m an SEO nerd. I own an agency, consult on SEO, and spend way too much time crafting LinkedIn posts and Twitter threads about it. Why? Because SEO works, plain and simple. It’s a proven strategy that drives real results.

So, if a client came to me tomorrow asking how to get noticed by local customers in Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachusetts, you bet your bottom dollar I’d recommend local SEO. And I’ve got the perfect tools to help you do it.

Semrush: The SEO Swiss Army Knife

Semrush is a powerhouse when it comes to local SEO. This comprehensive solution packs a punch with over 55 tools to tackle SEO, content marketing, competitor research, and more.

The real standout feature for local businesses? Listing management. Semrush lets you add your business’s name, address, and phone (NAP) citations to global directories, data aggregators, Google Maps, and search engines. Once you provide the info, the tool ensures your digital footprint is consistent and up-to-date across the board.

But that’s not all – Semrush also helps you track keyword rankings, estimate traffic, monitor visibility, and uncover featured snippets. You can even create customized reports, discover competition, and do advanced targeting by location or device.

Moz Local: The Listing Management Maestro

Trusted by over 500,000 users, Moz is a giant in the SEO world. And their Moz Local tool is a game-changer for local businesses.

With Moz Local, you can manage and monitor your business listings, keep tabs on reviews, get valuable insights, and create custom reports. Just like Semrush, Moz Local will update your profile across data aggregators, directories, social media, and search engines, ensuring your information is always accurate and optimized.

Need to set up alerts for new reviews? No problem. Want to track keywords, sentiment, and feedback from your customers? Moz Local’s got you covered. Plus, it seamlessly integrates with Google and Facebook, making it a breeze to publish offers and updates.

BrightLocal: Your Local SEO Sidekick

BrightLocal is a local SEO powerhouse, offering a suite of tools and services to boost your online visibility. From citation building and review management to detailed reporting and analysis, this solution has it all.

Want to find out how you stack up against the competition in local search results? BrightLocal’s got your back. Need a comprehensive local SEO checklist to follow? They’ve got that too.

But the real gem? BrightLocal’s in-depth research reports on consumer trends and local business strategies. Seriously, this stuff is gold. You’ll be able to learn everything you need to know about winning the local SEO game.

Ahrefs: The Versatile SEO Swiss Army Knife

Ahrefs is a force to be reckoned with in the SEO world. While it’s known for its robust site auditing, keyword research, and link building tools, this solution packs a serious punch when it comes to local SEO as well.

You can use Ahrefs to optimize your local landing pages and Google My Business profile, uncover link-building opportunities, find and fix site errors, and conduct killer keyword research. And don’t even get me started on the treasure trove of insights and inspiration you’ll find in the Ahrefs blog, academy, and guides.

With four different pricing plans to choose from, there’s an Ahrefs solution for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Whether you’re a solo local pizzeria or a global empire, this versatile tool can help you dominate the Manchester SEO scene.

Unlock the Secrets of Local SEO Success

The local SEO landscape in Manchester is a battlefield, my friend. But with the right tools and strategies, you can emerge victorious, stealing market share from the competition and attracting a steady stream of hungry customers to your door.

Remember, 60% of online sessions start with a search, and 98% of people learn about local businesses online. That means your pizza shop’s digital presence is crucial. So, ditch the one-off ad campaigns and dive headfirst into local SEO.

Head over to to learn more about how we can help you outrank your rivals and steal the spotlight in Manchester. The future of your business depends on it.

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