Improving Local SEO With Better Internal Linking





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May 27, 2024


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Improving Local SEO With Better Internal Linking

Improving Local SEO With Better Internal Linking

As an SEO enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by the nuances of internal linking. It’s one of those technical aspects that doesn’t get the same spotlight as flashy tactics like link building or content optimization, but can make a world of difference when done right. And when it comes to local SEO, internal linking becomes even more crucial.

Let me take you on a journey through the world of internal linking, where we’ll uncover strategies to help your Manchester-based SEO agency dominate the local search landscape. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive deep into the interconnected web of your website’s architecture.

Optimizing Your Existing Internal Link Structure

The first step in our internal linking quest is to take a closer look at your current setup. After all, you can’t improve what you don’t understand. Using tools like seoClarity’s Internal Links Analysis, we can identify areas of opportunity.

One common issue I often see is the use of generic anchor text. We’re talking about links that say “click here” or “more info” instead of descriptive, keyword-rich phrases. This is a missed opportunity to signal relevance to both users and search engines. By optimizing your anchor text, you can ensure each internal link is pulling its weight in terms of topical relevance and user experience.

Another potential roadblock is an over-reliance on templated links, such as those found in your site’s footer or sidebar. While these can provide valuable navigation, they don’t necessarily distribute link equity as effectively as strategically placed contextual links within your content. Take a close look at pages with an unusually high number of incoming internal links – these are likely the culprits.

Finally, consider the architecture of your website. Are your most important, revenue-driving pages easily accessible, or are they buried deep within the site structure? By bringing these pages closer to the surface through internal linking, you can improve their visibility and crawlability, giving them a better chance to rank locally.

Building a Keyword-Driven Internal Linking Strategy

Now that we’ve addressed the low-hanging fruit, let’s take a more proactive approach to internal linking. The key is to identify the local keywords you want to prioritize and then strategically link to the pages targeting those terms.

Start by using a tool like Sterling Sky’s rank tracking to uncover the keywords you’re currently ranking for in positions 4-6, the bottom of page one, and the top of page two. These are the prime candidates for internal link optimization.

Once you’ve compiled your list of target keywords, identify the corresponding landing pages on your site. Then, use the Internal Links Analysis to see how those pages are currently being linked to, both in terms of quantity and anchor text quality.

This is where the magic happens. By intentionally linking to these target pages from other high-authority sections of your site, you can give them a significant boost in local search visibility. And don’t forget to optimize those internal links with the right anchor text – use the target keywords you identified to help search engines understand the page’s relevance.

Measuring the Impact of Your Internal Linking Efforts

Of course, no SEO strategy is complete without some way to track its effectiveness. When it comes to internal linking, there are a few key metrics you’ll want to keep an eye on.

First and foremost, keep a close watch on traffic to the pages you’ve internally linked. Will Critchlow from SearchPilot suggests using a tool like Page Clarity to quickly access and monitor the performance of your updated pages.

Next, take a look at the new keywords those pages start ranking for. By incorporating your target keywords into the anchor text, you’re signaling to Google the topics those pages should be associated with. Seeing an uptick in relevant rankings is a clear sign that your internal linking is paying off.

Don’t forget to also track any increases in backlinks or media mentions for the pages you’ve optimized. According to Forbes, improved internal linking can help your content gain more visibility and authority, which can translate to more external link opportunities.

Finally, consider implementing an overall “health score” for your internal linking structure. This could be based on metrics like link distribution equality or the percentage of your site that’s easily accessible from the homepage. The team at seoClarity has been experimenting with this approach, and it’s an intriguing way to quantify the effectiveness of your efforts.

Unlocking the Power of Internal Linking for Local SEO

At the end of the day, internal linking is all about creating a cohesive, user-friendly, and search-friendly website architecture. By optimizing your existing links, building a strategic keyword-driven approach, and meticulously tracking your progress, you can unlock a whole new level of local search visibility for your Manchester-based SEO agency.

And remember, internal linking is just one piece of the puzzle. To truly dominate the local search landscape, you’ll need to combine these strategies with other impactful local SEO techniques, like optimizing your Google My Business profile, building citations, and encouraging customer reviews.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to roll up your sleeves and start optimizing those internal links. Your local customers are out there, waiting to discover your agency’s expertise. With the power of internal linking on your side, you’ll be able to guide them straight to your doorstep.

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