How To Use Keywords in Your Website Footer: Tips and Best Practices





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May 27, 2024


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How To Use Keywords in Your Website Footer: Tips and Best Practices

How To Use Keywords in Your Website Footer: Tips and Best Practices

Have you ever found yourself scrolling and scrolling, desperately searching for that one elusive piece of information on a website? I know I have. Just when you’re about to give up and hit the dreaded ‘back’ button, you spot it – a glimmer of hope in the website footer. Aha! There’s the link you were looking for.

You see, the website footer is the unsung hero of the digital world. It may sit quietly at the bottom of the page, but it’s working hard to save the day for countless frustrated visitors. As an SEO agency in Manchester, UK, we know the power of optimizing that valuable real estate.

In this in-depth article, we’ll dive into the world of keyword-rich website footers and uncover the tips and best practices you need to know. Get ready to transform your footer from an afterthought to a conversion-boosting powerhouse.

The Importance of a Keyword-Optimized Footer

Research from Orbit Media has shown that a staggering 66% of user engagement happens “below the fold” – in other words, in the often-neglected footer area. That’s a huge missed opportunity if you’re not leveraging that space effectively.

Think about it – your visitors have scrolled all the way down to the bottom of the page. They’re clearly still engaged and searching for something. What better place to offer them a lifeline in the form of strategic keyword placement?

By strategically incorporating your most important keywords into your footer content, you’re essentially creating a safety net for your visitors. They’ll be able to easily find the information they need, and you’ll boost your chances of keeping them on your site and converting them into customers.

MCR SEO, our Manchester-based agency, has seen firsthand the power of a well-optimized footer. Our clients who have taken the time to infuse their footers with carefully chosen keywords have experienced significant improvements in user engagement, reduced bounce rates, and increased conversions.

Tips for Keyword-Rich Website Footers

Alright, now that we’ve established the importance of footer optimization, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty. Here are some tips and best practices to help you make the most of those precious footer pixels:

1. Identify Your Target Keywords

The first step is to determine which keywords you want to focus on in your footer. Shopify’s guide on adding keywords recommends prioritizing keywords that are specific to your products and business, and are also frequently searched for.

Think about the questions your customers are asking, the pain points they’re trying to solve, and the terms they’re using to find solutions like yours. These should be the keywords that guide your footer optimization efforts.

2. Incorporate Keywords Naturally

Once you’ve identified your target keywords, it’s time to weave them into your footer content. But beware – you don’t want to stuff your footer with keywords in an unnatural way. That’s a surefire way to turn off your visitors and raise red flags with search engines.

Shopify’s advice is to add keywords by using them in readable, natural phrases and sentences. Your goal should be to provide value and information to your visitors, not to shove keywords down their throats.

3. Strategically Place Keywords

Where you place your keywords in the footer can make a big difference. According to Crownsville Media, the header and footer serve different purposes – the header should be a condensed roadmap of your site’s most valuable pages, while the footer acts as a “safety net” for visitors who are having trouble navigating.

With that in mind, use your footer to include keywords and links that might not fit in the header, such as your company’s location, terms of service, privacy policy, and any other helpful information visitors might be looking for.

4. Leverage Footer Navigation

Speaking of helpful information, don’t underestimate the power of footer navigation. Orbit Media’s research has shown that the “fat footer” trend – where footers include the same links you’d find in a “mega-menu” dropdown in the header – can be a game-changer for visitor engagement.

By including strategic keyword-rich links in your footer navigation, you’re giving your visitors a clear roadmap to the information they’re seeking. And don’t be afraid to get creative – mix in links to your most important blog posts, product categories, and other high-converting pages.

5. Optimize for Mobile

In today’s mobile-first world, it’s crucial to ensure your footer is just as user-friendly and optimized for small screens as it is for desktops. As Jon MacDonald of The Good points out, the footer is even more important for mobile users, as they often rely on it to navigate when they’re having trouble finding what they need.

Make sure your footer is easy to scroll through, with clear, finger-friendly links and calls-to-action. And don’t forget to keep those keywords front and center – they’re your secret weapon for helping mobile visitors find what they’re looking for.

Putting it All Together: Real-World Examples

Now that we’ve covered the tips and best practices, let’s take a look at some real-world examples of keyword-optimized website footers that are crushing it.

Example 1: Rafal Tomal
Rafal Tomal’s website footer is a masterclass in strategic keyword placement. Not only does it include clear links to his most important pages (like “About” and “Contact”), but it also showcases his social media presence and even features a sign-up form for his newsletter.

What really makes this footer shine, though, are the subtle yet powerful keywords woven throughout. Terms like “web design,” “branding,” and “digital marketing” are sprinkled in, helping to reinforce Rafal’s expertise and the services he offers.

Example 2: Nitel
Nitel’s website footer is a great example of how to leverage trust signals and social proof to boost your keyword-optimized content.

In addition to including their location, contact information, and a link to their privacy policy, Nitel has also dedicated a prominent section of their footer to showcasing the industry awards and certifications they’ve earned. This helps to establish them as a trusted and reputable provider in their field – and the keywords included in those trust signals (like “telecommunications” and “service provider”) only serve to reinforce their expertise.

Example 3: Food For Life
Sometimes, the most effective keyword optimization comes in unexpected forms. The Food For Life website’s footer is a prime example, featuring an embedded audio player with their brand’s jingle.

While this may not be a traditional approach to keyword optimization, it’s a clever way to capture the attention of visitors and reinforce the company’s brand and identity. And let’s be honest – who doesn’t love a catchy jingle? By incorporating this audio element into their footer, Food For Life is ensuring that their brand and key messaging (including any relevant keywords) are impossible to forget.

Conclusion: Unlock the Power of Your Footer

As an SEO agency in Manchester, UK, we’ve seen firsthand the transformative power of a well-optimized website footer. By strategically incorporating your most important keywords and providing valuable information to your visitors, you can turn that often-neglected space into a conversion-boosting powerhouse.

Remember, the key is to strike the right balance between providing useful, keyword-rich content and ensuring a seamless, user-friendly experience. With the right approach, your website footer can become the unsung hero of your digital marketing efforts, helping you connect with your customers and drive real, measurable results.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to unlock the power of your website footer and watch your business reach new heights. Happy optimizing!

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