How To Perform A Local SEO Competitive Gap Analysis





Blog Date

May 27, 2024


UK, Manchester

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How To Perform A Local SEO Competitive Gap Analysis

How To Perform A Local SEO Competitive Gap Analysis

As an SEO enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by the art of uncovering my competitors’ secrets. It’s like being a detective, scouring the digital landscape to uncover the strategies that are propelling them to the top of the search results. And when it comes to local SEO, the competition can be fiercer than a pack of ravenous wolves fighting over the last scrap of meat.

But fear not, my fellow SEO warriors! Today, I’m going to take you on a journey through the world of local SEO competitive analysis, arming you with the tools and techniques you need to outmaneuver your rivals and dominate the local search landscape.

Uncover Your Competitors’ Keyword Strategies

The first step in our local SEO competitive gap analysis is to dive deep into the keyword strategies of our top competitors. Using tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush, we can uncover the specific keywords they’re targeting, as well as the ones they’re ranking for.

By analyzing their organic search visitor data and backlink profiles, we can gain valuable insights into the phrases and topics that are driving targeted traffic to their websites. This information will be crucial in informing our own content strategy and helping us identify the biggest opportunities for outranking the competition.

But the fun doesn’t stop there! We can also leverage SEMrush’s powerful keyword gap analysis tool to see exactly where our competitors are outperforming us and where the biggest gaps in our coverage lie. This will give us a clear roadmap for creating content that resonates with our local audience and helps us leapfrog the competition in the search results.

Conduct a Detailed Backlink Audit

Now that we’ve got a handle on our competitors’ keyword strategies, it’s time to take a closer look at their backlink profiles. After all, as the old saying goes, “the more links you have, the merrier.” (Okay, maybe that’s not an actual saying, but you get the idea.)

By using tools like Ahrefs or SEMrush to analyze our competitors’ backlink profiles, we can uncover a treasure trove of link-building opportunities. We’ll be able to identify the high-authority websites that are linking to them, as well as any gaps in their own link profile that we can exploit.

But the real magic happens when we start to analyze the types of content and outreach strategies that our competitors are using to acquire these valuable backlinks. Are they creating shareable infographics? Leveraging guest posting opportunities? Or perhaps they’re tapping into the power of local business directories and citations? Whatever their secret sauce may be, we can use this intel to craft our own link-building campaigns and position ourselves as the undisputed kings of the local search landscape.

Optimize Your On-Page Technical SEO

Now that we’ve got a solid handle on our competitors’ keyword and link-building strategies, it’s time to turn our attention to the on-page technical SEO optimization of their websites. After all, what good are all those fancy keywords and backlinks if your website is a hot mess of technical issues?

By carefully analyzing the on-page elements of our competitors’ sites, such as their keyword usage, content structure, website architecture, page speed optimization, and mobile-friendliness, we can identify areas where we can outshine them and provide a better user experience for our local customers.

But the real secret weapon in our local SEO competitive arsenal? Structured data markup. By leveraging the power of and implementing the right types of schema markup on our website, we can ensure that our business’s information is crystal clear to search engines, ultimately leading to better visibility and higher click-through rates in the local SERPs.

Dominate the Local Directory Landscape

Finally, no local SEO competitive analysis would be complete without a deep dive into the local directory landscape. After all, if your business isn’t listed on all the right platforms, you might as well be invisible to your potential customers.

So, let’s get sleuthing! By searching for our competitors’ business names along with keywords like “directory listing” or “business listing,” we can uncover the local directories and citation sites where they’re already established. And by using Google My Business Insights, we can even get a clear picture of the number of locations where they’ve registered their businesses, allowing us to identify any gaps in our own local directory presence.

But the real trick is to ensure that our own business listings are not only accurate and up-to-date but also optimized to the nines. After all, what good is a directory listing if it’s riddled with inaccuracies or lacking in the kind of juicy information that makes customers want to click through and learn more about our services?

So, there you have it, folks – the ultimate guide to performing a local SEO competitive gap analysis. By diving deep into the strategies of our top competitors, we can uncover the secrets to their success and use that knowledge to outmaneuver them in the local search landscape. And who knows, maybe we’ll even have a little fun in the process, like a bunch of digital detectives solving the case of the missing local search rankings!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some serious sleuthing to do. Time to don my deerstalker cap and get to work uncovering the next big local SEO breakthrough. Wish me luck, and may the search engine gods be ever in your favor!

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