How to Identify Low Competition Yet High Value Keywords for Your Business





Blog Date

May 27, 2024


UK, Manchester

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How to Identify Low Competition Yet High Value Keywords for Your Business

Uncovering the Keyword Goldmine

As a newbie to the world of SEO, I remember the excitement I felt when I stumbled upon a niche with low competition and high search volume. It was like striking gold – or so I thought. The keywords I found seemed to tick all the boxes: hardly any competing websites, sky-high monthly searches, and the potential to drive boatloads of traffic to my client’s site.

I couldn’t wait to dive in and start optimizing. But as I soon learned, not all that glitters is gold. Before you go “crazy with optimization,” as I almost did, there are a few important things to consider.

First, we need to take a step back and look at the different types of search queries out there. Not all keywords are created equal, and understanding the intent behind them is crucial. There are three main categories:

  1. Informational: These are top and middle-of-the-funnel queries where the searcher is looking for information, not necessarily ready to make a purchase.

  2. Navigational: The person is looking for a specific website or piece of content.

  3. Transactional: Bottom-of-the-funnel queries where the searcher is ready to convert, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a service, or completing some other desired action.

The real “goldmine” keywords are the transactional ones – those with strong commercial intent. Informational and navigational keywords, while they may have high search volume, often don’t translate to actual leads or sales.

So before you start optimizing for those low-competition keywords, you need to dig deeper and assess their true value. A simple way to do this is by running a small PPC test on Bing. This will give you a much better sense of the actual search volume and behavior of those potential customers.

Evaluating Search Intent and Competition

Let’s say you’ve found a niche where the top-ranking results are mostly informational content, like blog posts and directories, rather than e-commerce or lead generation sites. That could be a promising sign that the keywords have strong transactional intent.

However, we can’t assume the competition (or lack thereof) you see in your local area is representative of the entire market. Those small-time players you’re up against might just be the tip of the iceberg. There could be larger, savvier competitors lurking just out of sight, who have been investing in SEO for months or even years.

The keyword research tools we rely on, while helpful, also have their limitations. Their search volume and competition data is often just an educated guess, not the full picture. That’s why it’s so important to validate your findings with a real-world PPC test.

Spend a few hundred bucks running ads on Bing for those “low-competition” keywords. This will give you a much clearer sense of the actual search volume and how those potential customers behave on your site. Are they bouncing right back? Or are they sticking around and converting?

If the PPC test confirms you’ve struck gold, fantastic! But don’t get too comfortable – these opportunities rarely last. Other savvy marketers will likely catch on soon, and that niche could get crowded fast. So you’ll want to act quickly to capitalize on it before the competition catches up.

Crafting a Winning Keyword and Content Strategy

Okay, so you’ve done your due diligence and confirmed that those low-competition keywords are indeed high-value. Now it’s time to put together a comprehensive keyword and content strategy to dominate the SERPs.

The first step is to properly organize and segment your keywords. Group them by category, and then dive even deeper to ensure each group contains only tightly related terms. This will allow you to create hyper-targeted content that perfectly aligns with the searcher’s intent.

For example, let’s say one of your high-value keyword groups is centered around “watercolor dog paintings.” Within that broader category, you could have sub-groups like:

  • “how to paint watercolor dog portraits”
  • “where to buy custom watercolor dog paintings”
  • “best watercolor artists for pet portraits”

By crafting content specifically tailored to each of these sub-topics, you’ll be able to provide a much more valuable and engaging experience for your visitors. And that, in turn, will lead to better conversion rates and long-term loyalty.

Of course, keyword research and content creation are just one piece of the puzzle. Technical SEO is also crucial – things like site speed, mobile optimization, and clean URL structure. And let’s not forget the importance of building high-quality backlinks to establish your authority.

It’s a lot to juggle, I know. But if you put in the legwork upfront, you’ll be well on your way to dominating those low-competition, high-value keywords and driving a steady stream of qualified traffic to your client’s site.

Conclusion: Seize the Opportunity, But Tread Carefully

So there you have it – my advice for identifying and capitalizing on those elusive low-competition, high-value keywords. It’s an exciting prospect, for sure, but one that requires a healthy dose of skepticism and strategic planning.

Don’t just dive in headfirst like I almost did. Take the time to thoroughly vet your findings, validate the search intent and competition, and put together a comprehensive marketing strategy. And whatever you do, don’t go shouting your “keyword goldmine” from the rooftops – keep that intel close to your chest.

If you play your cards right, you could be looking at a steady stream of high-quality traffic and leads for months or even years to come. But be prepared for that window of opportunity to close quickly, as savvier marketers catch wind of your success.

The key is to act fast, optimize relentlessly, and enjoy the fruits of your labor while they last. After all, in the fast-paced world of digital marketing, there’s no such thing as a free lunch. So seize the moment, my fellow SEO enthusiast, and make the most of those low-competition, high-value keywords!


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