How to Find Untapped Keywords with Clever Research





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June 3, 2024


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How to Find Untapped Keywords with Clever Research

How to Find Untapped Keywords with Clever Research

Are you tired of the same old keyword research routine? Typing a few words into a tool, getting a list of options, and then repeating the process ad nauseam? Well, friend, I’m here to tell you there’s a better way – one that will have you uncovering hidden gem keywords like a modern-day treasure hunter.

It all starts with shifting your mindset. Gone are the days of keyword research being a perfunctory task. Today, it’s an art form, a treasure hunt through the digital landscape. And I’m about to show you some clever tricks that will have you finding untapped keywords your competitors have likely overlooked.

Unleash the Power of Wikipedia

You know Wikipedia, right? That massive online encyclopedia that’s like the internet’s version of a know-it-all friend. Well, turns out it’s not just a repository of information – it’s a goldmine for keyword research.

Here’s how I like to work the Wikipedia angle: I start by Googling “inurl:Wikipedia” along with my main topic. This often puts Wikipedia right at the top of the search results, and that’s where the magic begins.

I’ll scan the SERP to identify the most relevant terms and potential keywords within the Wikipedia entry. Then I dive into the article itself, looking for key terms in the first few paragraphs, the table of contents, and any related articles. It’s like keyword research on steroids, thanks to Wikipedia’s status as the sixth most popular website in the world.

Harness the Power of Google Autocomplete

Another underutilized gem in the keyword research toolkit? Google’s autocomplete feature. Those predictive search suggestions aren’t just there to save you a few keystrokes – they’re a goldmine of keyword data.

Here’s how I put autocomplete to work: I’ll start by typing in my main keyword or a longtail variation, then I’ll methodically go through the alphabet, noting all the autocomplete suggestions that pop up. It’s like a treasure trove of long-tail keywords, ranked by search popularity no less!

And if the manual approach feels a bit too…well, manual, there’s a tool called Übersuggest that automates the whole process. It’s like Google autocomplete on steroids, giving you a comprehensive list of related keyword ideas in seconds.

Uncover Keyword Gems in Google’s Related Searches

Speaking of Google, have you ever scrolled to the bottom of the SERP and noticed those “related searches” listings? Well, my friend, those are another untapped source of keyword gold.

The process is simple: just search for your main keyword, then scroll down and take note of all those related search terms. They might not directly include your keyword, but they’re still closely connected – and represent potential avenues for you to explore.

Tap into the Keyword Treasure Trove of MetaGlossary

Now, this one might be a bit of a hidden gem, but hear me out. There’s this little website called, and it’s essentially a massive online glossary covering all sorts of topics. And guess what? Those glossary entries are teeming with potential keywords.

Here’s how I work it: I’ll plug in my main keyword, and BAM – a whole host of related terms and definitions. Those definitions themselves can spark even more keyword ideas, as I dig deeper into the subject matter.

It’s like having a personal keyword research assistant, scouring the digital landscape and handing you a treasure trove of untapped opportunities.

Steal Your Competitors’ Keyword Secrets

Of course, no keyword research arsenal would be complete without a healthy dose of good old-fashioned competitor analysis. After all, the websites ranking highest for your target keywords are clearly doing something right when it comes to their keyword strategy.

Here’s how I go about it: I’ll start by Googling my main keyword, then I’ll dive into the page source of the top-ranking organic results. From there, I’m on the hunt for any non-branded terms in the title tags, H1s, and even any visible “keywords” meta tags. And of course, I’ll also comb through the content itself, looking for any other potential keyword gems.

It’s like being a digital archaeologist, carefully excavating the keyword treasure trove of your competitors. And trust me, the riches you uncover will be well worth the effort.

Unlock Amazon’s Keyword Treasure Chest

Last but not least, let’s talk about a little something I like to call the “Amazon Keyword Hack.” Because as the king of e-commerce, Amazon has a way of dominating the search results for all sorts of product-related keywords. And that, my friends, means they’ve got a veritable treasure trove of keyword data just waiting to be uncovered.

Here’s how I work it: I’ll start by Googling my main keyword, then I’ll zero in on the Amazon listing in the search results. From there, it’s all about scavenging for keyword gems – in the “Show results for” menu, the main header, the breadcrumb navigation, and even the “Customers Also Bought” sections.

And if you really want to get your hands dirty, dive into the individual product pages and start combing through the descriptions, the “Customers Also Bought” sections, and even the customer Q&As and reviews. Trust me, the keyword gold you’ll uncover will make it all worth it.

So there you have it, my fellow keyword research enthusiasts – a veritable treasure trove of untapped keyword sources, just waiting to be discovered. With a little creativity, a dash of determination, and a healthy dose of digital sleuthing, you’ll be uncovering keyword gems that your competitors have likely overlooked.

And who knows, maybe you’ll even stumble upon that elusive “untapped micro-niche” that takes your SEO agency in Manchester, UK to new heights. The possibilities are endless, my friends. Happy hunting!

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