Goodbye, generic keywords! Why specificity is the new KPI for research





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May 27, 2024


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Goodbye, generic keywords! Why specificity is the new KPI for research

Goodbye, Generic Keywords! Why Specificity is the New KPI for Research

In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, the landscape is constantly shifting, and what worked yesterday might not be sufficient for tomorrow. As SEO specialists tasked with driving online visibility and lead generation for our clients, we’re often met with the age-old question: “What are the best keywords to target?”

It’s a valid question, but the answer has become increasingly complex. You see, the days of simply stuffing your content with broad, generic keywords are long gone. In fact, that approach can actually do more harm than good in today’s search landscape.

Allow me to let you in on a little secret: the new KPI for research isn’t about finding the most popular keywords. It’s about digging deeper, uncovering the specific, long-tail phrases that your target audience is actively searching for.

The Rise of the Long-Tail

Think about it this way: when was the last time you searched for something using a single, broad keyword? Chances are, your queries have become more specific, more refined, as you’ve become a savvier internet user.

According to the data, the average click-through rate (CTR) for display ads is a mere 0.1%. But when you start to layer on more specific targeting, the results can be drastically different. For example, the average CTR for legal services search ads is a whopping 4.45%, while real estate ads boast an impressive 7.58%.

The reason for this is simple: specificity breeds relevance. When someone searches for “red tennis racket,” they’re not looking for a generic sports ad. They want to see a direct, visually appealing offer for the exact product they’re seeking. Fail to deliver on that, and you can kiss those clicks goodbye.

Mastering the Single Keyword Ad Group (SKAG)

One proven tactic for harnessing the power of specificity is the Single Keyword Ad Group (SKAG) approach. According to ConversionXL, using this strategy can increase your CTR by a staggering 28% and drive your quality scores up by more than two points.

The premise is simple: instead of cramming multiple keywords into a single ad group, you create dedicated ad groups for each individual keyword. This allows you to craft highly targeted ad copy and landing pages that speak directly to the searcher’s intent.

Imagine you’re an e-commerce store selling sports equipment. Rather than running a broad ad for “tennis rackets,” you’d create separate ad groups for “red tennis racket,” “Wilson tennis racket,” and “lightweight tennis racket.” Each ad would feature specific, relevant messaging that addresses the user’s search query.

Leveraging Ad Extensions for Added Specificity

But the specificity game doesn’t stop there. According to LinkedIn, another way to boost your CTR is by utilizing ad extensions.

These are the additional links and information that appear beneath your main ad copy, providing users with more specific, relevant details about your offering. Think of them as digital signposts, guiding your potential customers directly to the content they’re looking for.

Google reports that adding just a few sitelink extensions can improve your CTR by 10-20% on average. That’s a significant boost, all from a simple, five-minute tweak to your ad setup.

The Power of Audience Targeting

Of course, specificity doesn’t just apply to your keywords and ad copy – it’s also crucial when it comes to your audience targeting. As Acquisio’s data reveals, 62% of small business advertisers on Facebook miss their target market, resulting in poor performance metrics.

The lesson here is clear: no matter how brilliant your ads may be, if you’re not reaching the right people, you’re simply wasting your time and money. Instead of casting a wide net, focus on layering your targeting with precise interests, behaviors, and demographic details.

Think about it this way: if you’re a luxury handbag brand, you don’t want to show your ads to college students. You want to target urban professionals with a penchant for high-end fashion. By honing in on that specific audience, you’re far more likely to capture their attention and, ultimately, their business.

Embracing the Long-Tail Mindset

As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, the importance of specificity cannot be overstated. Gone are the days of relying on broad, generic keywords to drive results. The new frontier is all about uncovering the long-tail phrases that truly resonate with your target audience.

Here at MCR SEO, we’ve embraced this long-tail mindset, and the results speak for themselves. By crafting hyper-targeted campaigns, leveraging the power of SKAGs and ad extensions, and laser-focusing our audience targeting, we’ve helped our clients achieve unprecedented levels of online visibility and lead generation.

So, if you’re still clinging to those broad, generic keywords, it’s time to let them go. The future of digital marketing belongs to the specific, the relevant, and the relentlessly targeted. Are you ready to embrace it?

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