Find SEO Quick Wins in Old Content





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June 2, 2024


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Find SEO Quick Wins in Old Content

Uncovering the Hidden Gems in Your Website’s Archives

As we wrap up 2022 and look ahead to the new year, I’ve got a quick and easy SEO tip that anyone can implement – updating your old content for maximum impact. That’s right, the key to unlocking some serious SEO wins might just be hiding in the depths of your website’s archives.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “But I’ve already published that content, how much more can I really do with it?” Trust me, my friends, there’s a whole world of opportunity waiting to be explored. It’s a lot easier to breathe new life into existing content than it is to start from scratch, and the best part is, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

So, where do we start? Well, the first step is to take a good, hard look at your website’s archives and identify the pieces that are ripe for an update. As Adam Heitzman, the managing partner at HigherVisibility, points out, a simple search query can give you a good idea of which articles might be worth revisiting. Just head to Google and type in “ intitle:2022” (replacing “” with your actual website address and “2022” with the year you’re targeting), and voila – you’ve got a treasure trove of content waiting to be dusted off and polished up.

But hold on, it’s not just about updating the content itself. As the experts at Ahrefs point out, the true power of updating old content lies in the fact that it’s often easier to rank for established pages than it is to create brand new content from scratch. Think about it – you’ve already done the hard work of researching, writing, and publishing the original piece. Now it’s just a matter of fine-tuning it to make it even better.

So, where do you start? Well, the first step is to take a good, hard look at your website’s archives and identify the pieces that are ripe for an update. As the author of the Medium article points out, a simple search query can give you a good idea of which articles might be worth revisiting. Just head to Google and type in “ intitle:2022” (replacing “” with your actual website address and “2022” with the year you’re targeting), and voila – you’ve got a treasure trove of content waiting to be dusted off and polished up.

But what exactly should you be looking for? Well, the key is to identify the articles that are still relevant and valuable to your audience. As the experts at Connect to Creative suggest, you should be looking for content that’s still getting traffic, but could use a little TLC to really shine. Maybe it’s an old how-to guide that’s a little outdated, or a piece of evergreen content that could use a few updates to keep it fresh and relevant.

Once you’ve identified the perfect candidates, it’s time to get to work. Start by taking a close look at the content and identifying areas that could use some improvement. Maybe the writing style feels a little stiff, or the information is a bit out of date. Whatever the case may be, start by addressing those issues and giving the content a complete makeover.

But it’s not just about the content itself – you also need to think about the technical aspects of your website. As the experts at Page One Power suggest, one quick win you can focus on is boosting your backlink profile by updating your old content. Take a look at the backlinks pointing to your existing pages and see if there’s any low-hanging fruit you can capitalize on.

And of course, let’s not forget about the all-important SEO factor. When you’re updating your old content, be sure to optimize it for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords, improving the structure and formatting, and ensuring that your metadata is on point.

But the real key to success? Infusing your updated content with a healthy dose of personality and creativity. As an SEO agency in Manchester, UK, we know that the most effective content is the kind that really resonates with your audience. So don’t be afraid to add a little humor, some personal anecdotes, and maybe even a touch of suspense to really make your updated content shine.

So, there you have it – my top tips for uncovering those hidden SEO gems in your website’s archives. It may take a bit of elbow grease, but trust me, the payoff is more than worth it. Happy hunting, my friends!

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