Disabled or Removed Pages: Should You Pull the Plug On Underperformers?





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June 3, 2024


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Disabled or Removed Pages: Should You Pull the Plug On Underperformers?

The Dilemma of Underperforming Pages

As an SEO enthusiast, I’ve grappled with the age-old question: when should I cut the cord on my website’s underperforming pages? It’s a decision that can be as agonizing as deciding whether to pull the plug on a struggling PC build. Just like that rig that’s giving you endless headaches, there comes a point where you have to weigh the time and effort against the potential payoff.

I remember the first time I encountered this issue. I had poured my heart and soul into crafting the perfect product page, only to watch it languish in the search results. The low traffic and dismal conversion rates were like a constant thorn in my side. Should I stick it out and try to nurse that page back to health, or should I take the drastic step of cutting my losses and removing it altogether?

The Pros and Persuasion of Pruning

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But Becca, how could I possibly abandon a page that I’ve put so much work into?” Well, my fellow SEO warrior, let me lay out the case for pruning those underperformers.

First and foremost, there’s the matter of search engine optimization. MCR SEO has always preached the importance of a clean, streamlined website structure. Keeping pages that are clearly not pulling their weight can actually dilute the overall strength of your domain. It’s like trying to game the system with a bunch of low-quality, keyword-stuffed content – Google is onto that trick, and it ain’t gonna fly.

Moreover, those pages that are consuming your time and resources without delivering any tangible results are like a drain on your productivity. Imagine if you spent all that effort troubleshooting a temperamental PC build, only to end up with a machine that still stutters and lags. At a certain point, you’ve got to cut your losses and redirect that energy towards more promising endeavors.

The Perils of Preserving Underperformers

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But Becca, what if I just need to give that page a little more TLC? Maybe a fresh coat of optimization, a few tweaks here and there, and it’ll be good as new!” I hear you, and I admire your tenacity. But let me caution you against the dangers of clinging to those underperformers.

For starters, there’s the risk of diluting the overall quality and relevance of your website. Much like a troubled PC build, a website littered with pages that simply don’t perform can send a confusing signal to both users and search engines. It’s like trying to play Witcher 3 on a potato – the experience is just going to be sub-par, no matter how much you tweak the settings.

Moreover, there’s the matter of opportunity cost. Every minute you spend trying to resuscitate a moribund page is time you could be investing in creating new, high-performing content or optimizing your other, more successful pages. It’s like being stuck on a performance improvement plan – you can keep pouring your energy into trying to save a sinking ship, or you can redirect that effort towards more promising endeavors.

The Surgical Approach to Pruning

Alright, so I’ve made the case for pruning those underperforming pages. But I know what you’re thinking: “Becca, how do I know which pages to cut? And what if I accidentally delete something valuable?” Fear not, my fellow SEO warrior, for I have a surgical approach to share.

The first step is to conduct a thorough audit of your website’s performance. Much like troubleshooting a PC issue, you’ll want to dig into the data, analyze the trends, and identify the pages that are truly dragging down your overall performance.

Once you’ve identified the underperformers, it’s time to decide their fate. Take a hard look at the content, the optimization, and the potential for improvement. If you genuinely believe that with a bit of TLC, the page can be revived, then by all means, give it another shot. But if the prognosis is grim, it might be time to pull the plug.

Just like dealing with a pesky PC issue, the key is to have a methodical, strategic approach. Don’t just start randomly deleting pages – that’s a recipe for disaster. Instead, carefully evaluate each one, consider the potential impact, and make an informed decision.

The Bright Side of Letting Go

I know, I know – cutting those underperforming pages can feel like a bitter pill to swallow. But trust me, my fellow SEO enthusiast, there’s a silver lining to this process.

For starters, think of the freed-up resources. With those pages gone, you’ll have more time, energy, and attention to devote to your high-performing content. It’s like upgrading your PC’s components – suddenly, everything just seems to run a little smoother, a little faster.

Moreover, there’s the search engine optimization factor. By streamlining your website and removing the dead weight, you’re sending a clear signal to Google and the other search engines that your site is focused, relevant, and worthy of attention. It’s like finally getting that pesky PC issue resolved – suddenly, your rig is running like a dream, and you can focus on the fun stuff instead of endless troubleshooting.

And let’s not forget about the user experience. Much like a well-tuned PC, a website that’s free of underperforming pages is just a joy to navigate. Your visitors will be able to find what they’re looking for with ease, and that can translate directly to improved engagement, conversions, and, ultimately, the bottom line.

So don’t be afraid to pull the plug on those underperformers, my friends. It might sting in the moment, but I promise, the long-term benefits will make it all worthwhile.

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