Diagnosing technical SEO issues using Google tools





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June 2, 2024


UK, Manchester

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Diagnosing technical SEO issues using Google tools

Diagnosing Technical SEO Issues Using Google Tools

Unraveling the Mysteries of Technical SEO with Google’s Helping Hand

As an SEO professional in Manchester, UK, I’ve always been fascinated by the ever-evolving world of search engine optimization. One of the biggest challenges I face is diagnosing and resolving technical SEO issues – those pesky little problems that can make or break a website’s performance in the search results. But fear not, my fellow SEO enthusiasts, for Google has provided us with a suite of incredibly powerful tools to help us navigate this technical landscape.

Google’s own search quality testing tools are the cornerstone of my technical SEO toolkit. From the Rich Results Test to the URL Inspection tool in Google Search Console, these resources have become indispensable in my quest to ensure my clients’ websites are optimized to the nines.

However, as I recently discovered, there’s been a significant shift in the way these tools function, and it’s a game-changer for those of us in the technical SEO trenches. According to Tomek Rudzki, a renowned AI expert, Google has updated the user-agent used by these testing tools, and it no longer mimics the Googlebot user-agent. This means that the insights we’ve been relying on may not accurately reflect how Google’s actual crawler views our clients’ websites.

Now, you might be wondering, “Wait, how is this a game-changer? Isn’t Google’s testing suite still valuable?” Well, my friends, that’s where the plot thickens. As Somendra, a seasoned SEO professional, explains, this change can have a massive impact on our ability to diagnose technical SEO issues.

Imagine a scenario where your client’s website is using dynamic rendering, a technique that serves different content to Googlebot than what regular users see. In the past, we could rely on the URL Inspection tool to uncover any issues. But now, with the updated user-agent, that tool may no longer accurately reflect how Googlebot perceives the content. It’s like trying to solve a mystery with a broken magnifying glass – the clues just don’t add up.

But fear not, my fellow SEO detectives, for I have uncovered a solution to this technical conundrum. Somendra suggests that the best way to stay on the safe side is to whitelist all the IP addresses that belong to Google. This ensures that both the URL Inspection tool and Googlebot itself can access your website without any hiccups.

Of course, that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to diagnosing technical SEO issues using Google’s tools. As the experts at OnCrawl suggest, we need to be mindful of this change and adjust our testing strategies accordingly. And if you’re looking to take your Google Search Console mastery to the next level, my colleague at KlientBoost has a course that’s definitely worth checking out.

At the end of the day, the key to successful technical SEO is to stay agile, adaptable, and always keep one eye on the latest developments from the search engine giants. With the right tools and the right mindset, we can conquer even the most complex technical challenges and help our clients’ websites reach new heights in the search results.

So, my fellow SEO enthusiasts, let’s dive deep into the world of technical SEO, armed with the knowledge and the tools to uncover and resolve those pesky issues, one by one. And who knows, we might even have a bit of fun along the way – after all, solving mysteries is kind of our thing, isn’t it?

Oh, and one more thing before I go: if you’re ever in Manchester and looking to take your SEO game to the next level, be sure to check out our agency. We’d be more than happy to lend a hand and share our technical SEO expertise. Until next time, happy optimizing!

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