Claim Local Pack Listings Before Competitors Do





Blog Date

June 3, 2024


UK, Manchester

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Claim Local Pack Listings Before Competitors Do

Claim Local Pack Listings Before Competitors Do

Imagine this: You’re a thriving contracting company, eager to expand your reach into new territories. London and Portland, here you come! But before you can start making your mark, you need to do a little recon. Who are the local powerhouses you’ll be up against, and how can you swoop in and claim the top spots?

Well, my friend, I’ve got the inside scoop. It all starts with something called the Local Pack report – the best tool you never knew you needed. This little gem is like a crystal ball into the world of local search, and it’s just waiting to be put to work for you.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

Uncover Your Local Competition

Alright, so you’re eyeing that [garage conversion] keyword as a key to unlocking success in London and Portland. The first step is to see who’s currently dominating those local search results.

Using the Local Pack report, I was able to uncover the top dogs in each city. In London, Builders GB is the clear winner on smartphones, while across the pond, Green Drop Garage claims the coveted top spot on both desktop and mobile.

But here’s where things get interesting – it seems Google’s been mixing things up a bit. I noticed a few “businesses” in the Local Pack that aren’t actually real companies, but rather keyword-based listings. “Garage conversions and outbuildings” and “Bespoke Loft and Garage Conversions” are just masquerading as legit entities.

What does this tell me? That I need to make sure my Google My Business listing is on point, with all the right keywords and details to help me stand out. And speaking of standing out, a little paid strategy could be the secret weapon I need to steal some of that precious local pack real estate.

Leverage the Power of Paid Ads

As I dove deeper into the Local Pack report, one thing became abundantly clear: the competition is mostly organic. No one’s paid their way to the top – yet.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: “But I thought Google was all about the organic results!” Well, my friend, that’s true to an extent. But when it comes to the local pack, the rules of the game are a little different.

Google wants to provide users with the most relevant information, and sometimes that means mixing in a few paid listings alongside the organic ones. And you know what that means for me? A golden opportunity to get my name front and center, before any of my competitors catch on.

Imagine this: I’m the first thing potential customers see when they search for [garage conversion] in London or Portland. That’s some prime real estate, and it could be the key to dominating the local market. All it takes is a little strategic paid advertising, and I can secure my spot in the coveted local pack.

Optimize for the Long Haul

Of course, the local pack game is about more than just paid ads. To truly cement my position as the go-to contracting company in these new markets, I need to focus on long-term, sustainable strategies.

That’s where the real power of the Local Pack report comes in. With all the data at my fingertips – business names, rankings, URLs, and even Google ratings – I can craft a comprehensive local SEO plan that’ll have me towering over the competition.

It’s all about optimizing my Google Business Profile – making sure my NAP (name, address, phone number) is consistent across the web, filling out every last detail, and soliciting those all-important reviews. The more I can do to show Google that I’m the local authority, the better my chances of snagging that coveted top spot.

And let’s not forget about that sneaky keyword optimization. If Google’s replacing real business names with keyword-focused listings, you bet I’m going to make sure my profile is loaded with all the right terms. [Garage conversion], [loft conversion], [home improvement] – you name it, I’m owning it.

The Local Pack Takeover

So, there you have it – the inside scoop on how to claim your rightful place in the local pack, before your competitors even have a chance to blink. With the power of the Local Pack report and a strategic mix of paid and organic tactics, MCR SEO can help you dominate the local search landscape and cement your status as the go-to contracting company in any market.

The race is on, my friends. Are you ready to leave your competitors in the dust?

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