Beat Competitors By Targeting Brand Terms





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June 6, 2024


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Beat Competitors By Targeting Brand Terms

Unleash the Power of Brand Bidding: Outsmart Your Rivals on Amazon

As an e-commerce seller, I know the frustration of watching your products get buried beneath the towering presence of big-name brands on Amazon’s search results. It’s like trying to climb Mount Everest with a toddler on your back – the odds just aren’t in your favor. But what if I told you there’s a secret weapon that can help you outshine your competitors and dominate the search rankings? It’s called brand bidding, and it’s about to become your new best friend.

Understanding the Brand Bidding Advantage

Brand bidding is the practice of bidding on keywords that feature your competitor’s brand name in paid search ads. By doing this, you can ensure that your brand appears above your competitors’ on search engine results pages (SERPs), like Google. It’s a strategic move that puts your name in front of your rival’s customer base, giving you a chance to convert them into potential customers for your business.

But there’s a catch – you need to have your competitor’s brand name somewhere on your website. Why, you ask? Well, Google Ads can only target keywords that appear on your site. So, you’ll often see brands writing blog posts or creating landing pages that compare their offerings to their biggest competitors.

According to Hustlefish, “By bidding on branded terms, you pay to have your brand name appear above your competitors on search engine results pages (like Google). It’s a great way to put your name in front of a competitor’s customer base and convert them into potential customers for your business.”

Putting Brand Bidding into Action

Alright, let’s say your brand is “ABC Apparel,” and your competitor is “XYZ Wear.” Here’s how you can get started with brand bidding:

  1. Set up a Google Ads Campaign: First, create a new Google Ads campaign focused on driving website traffic. Choose the “Search” option and enter your website URL.

  2. Target Competitor Keywords: In your ad groups, include keywords related to your competitor’s brand, such as “XYZ Wear,” “XYZ Clothing,” or even variations like “XYZ Wear review.” The more variations you use, the higher your chances of stealing your competitor’s market share.

  3. Keep it Classy: Remember, it’s important to be respectful in your ads and avoid any negative messaging about your competitor’s brand. Ads that badmouth other brands rarely perform well, and it could even lead to retaliation or a report to Google, which could have serious consequences for your business.

  4. Monitor and Optimize: Once your ads are live, keep a close eye on their performance. Adjust your bids, ad copy, and targeting as needed to ensure you’re getting the results you want.

Leveraging the Power of Reviews

But brand bidding is just one piece of the puzzle. Another powerful way to outshine your competitors on Amazon is by leveraging the power of customer reviews.

According to SellerApp, analyzing your competitors’ Amazon reviews and ratings can provide valuable insights into three key areas:

  1. Product Improvement: Scan through the positive and negative reviews of your competitors’ products to identify areas for improvement. This can help you enhance your own product features and functionality based on customer feedback.

  2. Demand Evaluation: Look at the volume of reviews and customer engagement to gauge the demand for your competitors’ products. This can help you determine if there’s a viable market for your offerings.

  3. Audience Targeting: Understand how the customer mindset varies across different product categories. For example, a luxury watch buyer may prioritize style over price, while a towel shopper is more focused on value. Use this knowledge to tailor your brand messaging and reach your target audience effectively.

Mastering the Art of Keyword Research

Finally, to truly outrank your competitors on Amazon, you need to become a keyword research wizard. As SellerApp explains, when people are in the buying process, their searches start broad and become more specific as they narrow down their options.

For instance, a person searching for running shoes on Amazon might start with “running shoes,” then refine their search to “running shoes for men” or “running shoe combo.” By incorporating these long-tail keywords into your product listings, you’ll be better positioned to capture those high-intent, conversion-driven searches.

Remember, SEO is the key to unlocking your full potential on Amazon. With the right strategies, you can beat your competitors, rise to the top of the search results, and watch your sales soar.

So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to unleash the power of brand bidding and leave your rivals in the dust!

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